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My Lord God, Blessed be Thy Name, forever and ever, Amen.

My January A Submission for the Multi-Artist Exchange. 20067年一月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
My January A submission for the Manga Art Exchange. 2003年一月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
My July A submission for the Manga Art Exchange. 2002年七月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
My June A submission for the Manga Art Exchange. 2003年六月下旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
My L... has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind. 我的L……看见过夜来香在十二月开放……正好有堵墙挡住了凛冽的寒风。
My Lord God, Blessed be Thy Name, forever and ever, Amen. 我主天主,愿你的名受显扬,及世之世,亚孟!
My Lord ask you give us your comments we, how figure one's own day, kind to ask us take the intelligent heart, get the eternal life. 我主求你指教我们,怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心,得着永恒的生命。
My Lord of lovingkindness and my fortress, My high retreat and my Deliverer, My shield and He in whom I take refuge, Who subdues my people under me. 2祂是我慈爱的主,我的山寨,我的高台,我的搭救者,我的盾牌,是我所投靠的;祂使我的百姓服在我以下。
My Lord, teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom, gain eternal life. 我主求你指教我们,怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心,得着永恒的生命。
My Love for Tsinghua University-In Honour of MEI Yi-qi, the Former President of Tsinghua University written by WU Hong-cheng recently, a professor from the college of education in Hebei University, introduces to readers modern higher educationist MEI Yi-q 河北大学教育学院吴洪成教授的力作《生斯长斯吾爱吾庐-清华大学校长梅贻琦》以全新的视角和独特的构思向读者展现了现代高等教育家梅贻琦校长和在艰难中前进的清华大学。
My Lover or cheater is not trusted by the people, so a lot of people choose to avoid marriage. 情圣或者骗子都不是可以信赖的人,所以很多人面对结婚选择了逃避。

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