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The animal blinked continually in the sunshine.

The angular lifter interferes with the boss during ejection. Please consider changing the position of the boss. 斜顶与后面的柱位空间太小,斜顶在运动时会干涉到柱子,能移动这个柱子的位置吗?
The angular motion mathematical model of rotative vehicles is established in the body coordinate system and the quasi-body coordinate system. 摘要在弹体坐标系和准弹体坐标系中建立了旋转飞行器角运动数学模型。
The animal a ociated with Anthony is the Marabou, which is a large African stork which scavenges for food. 杯子上与“安东尼”相伴的动物是鹳,是生长在非洲的一种体积庞大的食腐动物。
The animal associated with Anthony is the Marabou, which is a large African stork which scavenges for food. 杯子上与“安东尼”相伴的动物是鹳,是生长在非洲的一种体积庞大的食腐动物。
The animal benefits because the anesthesia is fast and uneventful; surgical procedure is well tolerated and animals recover faster. 译:动物因麻醉快又安全而受益,手术时间缩短,恢复更快。
The animal blinked continually in the sunshine. 这畜牲在阳光下不停地眨着眼睛。
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. 农户一直在想该怎么办,驴子因此哀叫了好几个小时。
The animal devotee, not yet ready for the heroic practice, performs the rituals with material symbols; for the divine devotee the rituals are purely internal and symbolic. 动物般的皈依者,并没有为英雄般的实践作准备,用动物的象征来履行仪式,因为神圣皈依者的典礼是纯粹的内在和象征性。
The animal dragged itself reluctantly out of his way, licking its shops with a tongue which seemed hardly to have the strength to curl. 那只畜生很不情愿把自己拖开,一边用它那条好像连卷起来的力气都没有了的舌头舔舔牙床。
The animal gets everything prepared before the advent of the coldest season. 在最冷的季节到来之前,这种动物就做好了一切准备。
The animal has a bill that resembles a duck bill but is actually an elongated snout covered with soft moist leathery skin and sensitive nerve endings. 它的嘴巴长得如鸭嘴一般,但实际上,它是一张由柔软的如皮革般的表皮包着的拉长了的嘴巴,表皮可分泌出潮湿的粘液,皮肤里有许多敏感的神经末梢。

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