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A puffy jacket is a good alternative when you're not in a dress-up mood.

A published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased. 讣闻死亡后发表的通告,有时附有死者简要传记
A publisher's name, often with the date, address, and edition, printed at the bottom of a title page of a publication. 标记出版者的名字,往往和出版日期、地址和版本及一起印在印刷品的扉页的底部
A publishing house may negotiate co-operative publication business directly with a foreign party or may entrust a specialized company that has been authorized by the State to handle co-operative publication business with foreign countries or entrust a rel 七、出版社可以直接对外洽谈合作出版业务,也可以委托国家批准的经营对外合作出版业务的专业公司或国外可靠的代理商进行。
A publishing house shall determine its projects of co-operation with foreign countries in the light of its own conditions and characteristics and in conformity with its own publishing principle and scope of publication. 三、确定对外合作项目,要根据自己的条件与特点,符合本社的出书方针和出书范围。
A pueblo of northern New Mexico northeast of the town of Taos. Population, 1,030. 陶斯美国新墨西哥州北部一村庄,位于陶斯镇的东北。人口1,030
A puffy jacket is a good alternative when you're not in a dress-up mood. 当你没心情打扮的时候,太空装式的夹克是蛮好的选择。
A pugnacious, unyielding, or determined person. 好斗者好斗的、不屈服的或有毅力的人
A pulldown resistor to the negative rail will allow the output to approach that rail (provided the load impedance is high enough, or is also grounded to that rail), but only slowly. 一个下拉电阻器将允许输出迫近迫近该电源轨(所提供的负载阻抗足够高,或负载也是接地的),但这样速度较慢。
A pulmonary disease of horses that is characterized by respiratory irregularities, such as coughing, and is noticeable especially after exercise or in cold weather. 肺气肿马所患的肺部疾病,其症状是呼吸系统不正常,例如咳嗽,在奔跑之后或是寒冷季节尤为明显
A pulsation or throb. (心脏)悸动,搏动
A pulse from an intense laser or particle beam, however, creates a disturbance in the plasma. 然而,一个从高密度的雷射或粒子束所产生的脉冲,可以对电浆产生扰动。

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