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As the pregnant woman approaches the time to give birth, She writhes and cries out in her labor pains, Thus were we before You, O Lord.

As the portal of clothing trade, we are devoted to offering various kinds of clothing information to clothing insider, till now, Chinese brand clothing network set up with clothing information, trade and business information, clothing exhibition, clothing 中国品牌服装网作为服装行业门户网站,我们致力于为服装业内人士提供各种服装资讯,到现在为止,中国品牌服装网建立了以服装资讯、商贸信息、服装展会、服装图库、服装人才、流行时尚为主体内容栏目,是服装界业内人士浏览最新资讯、了解业界动态、营销策略的首选行业综合门户网站。
As the potential for victory grew, it became clear that the US would become the postwar hegemony (major power). 随着战争胜局日趋明朗,美国显然成为战后霸主。
As the power piston moves to the right, the yellow linkage forces the loose-fitting, red piston(on the left half of the machine) to displace air to the cooler side of the engine. 当施力活塞到达右边时,黄色连杆会轻轻地带动红色“活塞”(在机器左边),使空气移到引擎较冷的一边。
As the preacher said in Ecclesiastes 8:15: Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry. 正如传教士在《旧约?传道书》第八章第十五节中所说:“我赞美欢笑,对一个人来说,阳光底下,没有什么能比吃喝享乐更幸福了。”
As the predecessor of the puppet Manchuria Harmony Association, the puppet Harmony Party has not been given due attention to in the research cycle. 伪满协和党作为伪满协和会的前身,目前国内关于该问题的研究还不够深入和系统。
As the pregnant woman approaches the time to give birth, She writhes and cries out in her labor pains, Thus were we before You, O Lord. 赛26:17妇人怀孕、临产疼痛、在痛苦之中喊叫、耶和华阿、我们在你面前、也是如此。
As the preheater tower span of large scale NSP cement plant is great and the internal stress of single beam and pole is also great, steel structure and reinforced beam/pole be used widely because of their special performance. 摘要近十年来,由于大规模水泥厂窑尾塔架跨度大,单根梁柱的内力大,钢结构梁柱和钢管混凝土柱因其特有的性能优势得到了广泛的应用。
As the preset of language is very sensitive to and strongly dependent on the context of language with a strong reliance on the context, it is commonly believed by the field of linguistics that deem it as a pragmatic phenomenon. 由于预设对语境非常敏感,具有很强的语境依赖性,语言学界已基本达成共识,认为它是一种语用现象。
As the president, I must defend simultaneously the spirit and principles of democracy, freedom, and also rule of law. 作为总统,我必须要对民主,自由以及法制的原理精髓作辩护。
As the pressure on diaphragm (8) approaches a balance with the force exerted by adjusting spring (5), disc (20) is throttled to a position where just enough water flows to maintain the set delivery pressure. 当隔膜(8)上的压力接近等于调节弹簧(5)的弹簧力时,阀瓣(20)就进行节流状态,使得刚好有足够的水流来保持设置的输出压力。
As the price picks up ,enquiries will increase. 当价格回升时,询盘将会增加。

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