Like many of the region's outmoded state-run factories, the plant couldn't compete in China's new open-market economy.
就像东北许多旧时的国有工厂,这家工厂也无法在中国新的开放市场经济中竞争。 |
Like many operators, she had been through medical protocols training.
和很多接线员一样,她接受过医疗方案的培训。 |
Like many other ancient holidays, Christmas observance is actually a conglomeration of several other festivals. However, to early Christians, it commemorates the birth of the Christ Child.
正如其他古老的节日一样,圣诞仪式事实上是其他若干节日的综合产物。然而对于早期基督徒来说,圣诞节是纪念耶稣诞生的。 |
Like many other molecules, flurbiprofen has a left-handed and a right-handed form.
像其他许多分子一样,氟比洛芬酯具有左旋和右旋两种形式。 |
Like many other places with a hilly terrain, Hong Kong has been subjected to threats of landslides when heavy rainstorms occur.
像许多其它山区一样,香港受到严重暴雨期间滑坡的威胁。 |
Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion.
正如其他运动一样,乒乓球只是社会中无足轻重的一部分。 |
Like many other young men graduating from schools i am keen on getting a suitable job.
正如其它许多毕业的年轻人,本人急需一份合适的工作。 |
Like many paintings, Dorothea Lange's photographs tell a story, often sending a powerful social message.
就像许多画作一般,桃乐丝兰格的照片能够陈述一个故事,它常常传达出强力的社会讯息。 |
Like many people, Diana was immensely disappointed by the failure of her marriage.
如同许多人一般,黛安娜对自己婚姻的失败感到极度失望。 |
Like many recent publications in the industrialised countries that have warned against the economic rise of India and China, the 244-page report says that the past two years offered a worrisome preview of a future in which China and India follow the econo
与许多工业化国家近期发表的对印度与中国经济崛起发出警告的文章一样,这篇244页的报告指出:过去两年令人们对未来忧心忡忡,隐约可见中国与印度将会遵循西方国家的经济模式,而这种模式以其毫无节制的消耗臭名昭著。 |
Like many shelters around the country, the Kootenai Humane Society in Coeur d‘Alene is prohibiting(1) black cat adoptions from now to Nov. 2, fearing the animals could be mistreated in Halloween pranks — or worse, sacrificed in some satanic(2) ritual.
和其他保护组织一样,为防止黑猫在万圣节恶作剧中受到虐待或更甚者成为某些邪恶仪式的祭品,库特内科达伦慈善协会从11月2日起拒绝受理黑猫领养业务。 |