You can create a template file, the template can set the size of the background, background color, background transparency, while templates can be added characters, words can set text font, font size, text foreground color, background color words, semi-tr
您可以新建一个模板文件,模板中可以设置背景大小,背景颜色,背景的透明度,同时模板中可以加入文字,文字可以设置文字字体,字体大小,文字前景色,文字背景色,文字半透明度。 |
You can create four heroes per unique Guild Wars account.
每个激战账户可以创建4个英雄。 |
You can create up to 10 ranks.
你最多能够创造10个等级。 |
You can create your vertex shader in two ways (that I know).
创建顶点着色程序你可有两种方法。 |
You can cross the river a short distance below (ie downstream from) the waterfall.
在瀑布下游附近可以过河. |
You can cry for what won’t pass again.
当无法前进时,你可以哭泣, |
You can customize the background, font and icons of Dialog screens.
你可以定制背景、字体与偶像对话屏幕上. |
You can customize your skates, as you like to skate.
你可以按照你所从事的轮滑项目,定制你的鞋。 |
You can cut and paste the answers from the e-mail you received when your account was created.
你可以从你创建账号时收到的邮件里面复制并粘贴过来。 |
You can cut out the unimportant details.
你可以删掉不重要的细节. |
You can cut the index cards down to size for menus and window internals.
你可以剪切索引卡片成菜单或内窗口的尺寸。 |