With five people in a two-bedroom apartment, the students were living in very close quarters.
五个人住在两间卧室,学生们挤在一起住。 |
With fixed frequency,sweep frequency and multy random test function.
测试功能多,具定频,扫频及多阶随机等测试功能。 |
With fledged wings, they now move and fly…not to be easily captured either by cameras or illegal hunters.
如今它们羽翼丰满,四处游动飞翔。摄影镜头要想捕获它们的身影,或是不法猎人要想捕捉它们,都不是轻而易举的事了。 |
With flowing water and primary woods on hill slopes, the layout of SWUT makes a good use of the landform and physiognomy of SWUT and its natural environment and finally creates the human environment of a university campus.
总结出围合空间具有较强的亲和力和凝聚力,流动的水体和山坡的原生树林,规划设计较好的利用地形地貌、自然环境,创造出校园的人文环境。 |
With fluent English,with bachelor degree.
大学本科以上学历,英语口语流利。 |
With fluid dynamic derived from marine mammals and subtle character lines stretching down the body; the powerful imposing view of our canopy in flight is simply stunning.
为了营造出古代罗马战神盔甲的雄壮气势,极度夸张霸气进气口的设计,搭配腮状进气侧孔,飞行时气流直达动力核心,增强热能疏散。 |
With focus on high volume quality products,Neco has carved a solid foundation in the headset and bottom bracket component areas.In addition to machine tooling capacity that covers a wide range of applications and finishes,Neco also has extensive capabilit
带着高品质的产品,志庆在车头碗组及五通碗组的零件领域创建了一套完整的体系,在铝合金冷锻,钢铁冲压,钻孔及CNC加工方面拥有很强实力,能确保提供高档次的有竞争力的产品。 |
With foileprint (not embroidery)in the middle of inside waistband and at the right back part yoke.
这句应该是:腰部内侧和右后育克应该是印花,不是绣花。这样翻译吧? |
With fond delight thou wrappest about thy starry breast that mantle of misty cloud, turning it into numberless shapes and folds and colouring it with hues everchanging.
你喜爱地将这云带缠绕在你的星胸之上,绕成无数的形式和褶纹,还染上变幻无穷的色彩。 |
With foreboding,Mammy had brought her young mistress a small package,addressed in a strange hand form New Orleans, a package containing a miniature of Ellen, Which she flung to the floor wirh a cry, four letter in her own handwriting to Philippe Robillard
妈咪怀着预感为她年青的女主人带来一个小包裹,上面是来自新奥尔良的陌生笔迹,里面装着艾伦的一幅小画像,她尖叫着把它扔到地上,四封她写给菲力浦*罗彼拉德的信,还有一封新奥尔良牧师的短信,宣布了她的表哥在一次酒吧斗殴中死亡的消息。 |
With foreigners staying away and millions of seats unsold, Athens chief Games organizers Gianna Angelopoulos appealed to locals to pick up the slack and put on a good show in front of the world's cameras.
当外国观光客离去,还有百万门票未售出,雅典主要的运动组织负责人其纳?安哲罗普洛斯恳求当地人挽救这种颓势,在世界的舞台上增加伪装一场好看的演出。 |