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Her ingratitude stung him.

Her inborn disposition has rarely the charm which lets the human be unable to resist, she can integrate the great story in the middle of the song, absorbs the human heart and soul, she that comprehensive quality surmounted the country, the culture, is eve 她天生的性格拥有罕见的让人无法抗拒的魅力,她能够把宏大的故事融入歌曲当中,摄人心魄,她那包罗万象的品质跨越了国家、文化、甚至是语言的界限。
Her incessant chatter finally wore me down and I decided to leave. 她喋喋不休终于使我筋疲力竭了,于是我决定走开。
Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不够养活家人。
Her indelicate remark hurt his feelings. 她粗鲁的话伤了他的心。
Her infants were dashed to pieces at the head of every street. 她的婴孩在各市口上也被摔死。
Her ingratitude stung him. 她的忘恩负义使他痛心。
Her inheritance has helped her get on in society. 她继承的遗产助她在社会上成功。
Her injured leg was so painful that she had to take a pain-killer. 6她受伤的那条腿疼的厉害,她只好吃了一片止疼药。
Her innocence is only an imitation. 她的天真只是一种伪装。
Her innocent eyes watching me,I love her heart,From all flocked to the heart of the nose tip,Instant very sore nose,i know,How much I love her.and very Pamper her.Think about her, is like a child.I need care and love,But eyes that the firm was me.I can no 她无辜的眼神看着我,我的疼爱之心,从心脏一下涌到了鼻尖,一阵酸麻,我知道,我是多么的疼爱她,和宠爱她,想想她,真像个小孩子,需要人照顾和疼爱,而且那个眼神坚定的就是我,我无法逃避也不想逃避,因为我愿意照顾她爱护她保护她,抱紧她好合适,抱着她和我一起成长,成熟,健康快乐,成为两参天大树,永垂不朽.
Her innocent, candid soul does not divine how tormenting such small intimacies can be. 她天真浪漫,心怀坦诚,猜不到这种轻微的接触有多么折磨人。

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