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0 No such procedure at all.

0 No program or informal activities performed. 没有此类计画或只实行非正式测试活动.
0 No request or informal request for CA, such as fax or e-mail, from the manufacturer. 对供应商改善行动没有要求或非正式要求,例如以传真或电子邮件方式执行.
0 No special documented guidelines for in-process control, random checking. 没有档指引对制程的控制,只作随机性的抽检.
0 No special requirement, direct hand written amendment in place. 没有特别要求,在原文处(适当位置)直接手写修改.
0 No storage condition/shelf life requirement set up. 没有制定对储存环境的要求.
0 No such procedure at all. 没有此程式.
0 No systematic procedure to handle customer complaints or not responsive at all. 对于顾客反映的品质问题没有系统化管理,或不予理睬.
0 No verification or informal checking. 没有检测或非正式的检查.
0 Poor attitude of operators such as throwing of WIP or materials on line. A high cosmetic (or even functional) reject rate is noticed. 作业员对半成品(WIP)或线上物料处理的态度(意识)极差,如抛掷物料于线上,导致外观(甚至功能)不良之情况偏高.
0 Poor condition. Dirty and untidy workshop under poor management and monitoring. 条件欠佳.由于管理和监督不足情况下,车间又脏又乱.
0 Poor technique in proper method and time control acquisition. 技术不足,未能掌握正确方法及操控作业时间.

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