Yuan Da Travel (Tourism) Supplies Company from NingHai County is located in China's important major port city of NingBoNningHai. |
中文意思: 宁海县远达旅游用品有限公司地处我国重要的港口城市之一宁波宁海。 |
Yu-Chien Ko and Rey-Long Liu, 1999, Virtual Employee Management through the Internet,Proc. of APEC Human Resource Management Symposium on SMEs, Taiwan.
柯宇谦、刘瑞珑,1999,网际网路虚拟人力资源开发与招募,跨世纪海峡两岸永续企业经营研讨会论文集,屏东,台湾. |
Yu-Chung Lee, Hsiao-Lin Teng, Wei-Jaw Deng, “A complementary methodology to probabilistic approach to measure banking service quality,” APIEM2005, , (2005).
邓肖琳,「大专院校全球化导入程度之相关性探讨」,2005管理方法与应用新思维国际研讨会,长庚大学,桃园,第-页(2005)。 |
Yu-Jen Wu, 1999. The Contemporary Context of Taiwanese Industrial Relations: The Legacies of an Authoritarian Regime. Labour, Capital and Society , 32(1): 6-33.
吴育仁,2000,劳动关系新思维:英国第三条路的政治经济哲学。理论与政策,14卷4期,页91-112。 |
Yu-hsien Lin grew up in the Yilan countryside.
林育贤在宜兰乡下长大。 |
YuYao Huayu pipe fitting Co.,Ltd specializes in manufacturering all kindls pipe fitting,fire fighting equipment & fire extinguisher spare parts,quick couplings.
余姚市华裕管件厂是一家专业生产各种管材管件,消防产品和灭火器阀门配件,以及快速接口的厂家。 |
Yuan Da Travel (Tourism) Supplies Company from NingHai County is located in China's important major port city of NingBoNningHai.
宁海县远达旅游用品有限公司地处我国重要的港口城市之一宁波宁海。 |
Yuan Kou, Ph.D.(1990, CAS), Research Fellow (1986-1988, AOTS), Post-doc (1993-94, UCSD), Visiting Professor (1997, Kyoto University), Deputy Director of OSSO State Key Lab, CAS (1991-1997), now is a Professor of Chemistry, Peking University, Member of Nat
寇元,理学博士(1990),日本AOTS进修生(1986-1988),美国UCSD博士后(1993-1994),日本京都大学高访教授(1997),原中国科学院OSSO国家重点实验室专职副主任(1991-1997),现任北京大学教授,博士生导师,中国化学会催化专业委员会委员,中国化工学会石油化工专业委员会委员,973多个项目的专家组成员,多家国内学术期刊编委,《催化学报》副主编,长期从事温室气体催化转化和纳米簇结构及复制研究,提出表面配位化学/担载催化剂无定形理论等。 |
Yuan Liuzhuang was an expert fortune-teller.
袁柳庄是一个很准的算命先生。 |
Yuan Quan, a chemist and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has won 9 prizes such as the third prize of the State Natural Science Award, the second prize of Scientific Development Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
其研究成果获得国家自然科学二等、三等奖,中科院科技进步一等奖和重大科技成果一等奖,以及三个部委联名颁发的“金牛奖”。 |
Yuan Shih-k’ai's monarchy project ruined not only the achievement of 1911 Revolution but also his life, as well as Morrison's sincere expectation of him.
袁世凯称帝,不仅仅断送了辛亥革命的成果,也同时断送了自己的性命,同时也葬送了莫理循对他的真诚期许。 |
Yuan Zongdao had a good command of Buddhism, and he applied the temperament theory of Zen to his literature reformation.
实际上,袁宏道性灵论的提出,袁宗道功不可没,其文学革新思想是性灵论的先声。 |