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Many made a decent living selling chickens and eggs.

Many lives were drastically changed, but only a few for the better. 许多人的一生因此有了剧烈的改变,但是只有少数人从中得到好处。
Many living in towns dream of starting up their own farm, of living off the land. 许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。
Many local five-year plans project double-digit annual growth rates, even though the central government is aiming for a modest average of 7.5% until 2010. 虽然,中央政府将到2010年的平均增长率目标定在适度的7.5%,许多地方政府的五年规划却都有两位数的年增长率。
Many low-income families, single people and childless couples have also been left behind, according to analysis by the Canberra-based economic modelling institute NATSEM. 根据位于堪培拉的经济模拟和分析机构NATSEM的分析,许多低收入家庭,独身者和没有孩子的夫妇被这一政策所忽视.
Many low-income residents in both town and country lead relatively difficult lives. 城乡不少低收入居民生活还比较困难。
Many made a decent living selling chickens and eggs. 许多人靠著贩售鸡肉与鸡蛋维持不错的生活。
Many main railway run across our city and having station there such as Dalian-Qinhuangdao, Beijing-Qinhuangdao, Beijing-Shanhaiguan, Beijing-Jiulong. 大秦、京秦、京山、京九等国家主要铁路干线纵横于我市10个区市县中的9个并分别设有车站。
Many major companies have relegated labor-intensive jobs to China. 许多大公司已将劳力密集的工作移到中国。
Many major issues are attached to this legislation. 许多重要事务同这项立法相联系。
Many man dies,not every man really lives. 许多人死去,但是并非所有人真正活的有意义。
Many maples have two dormant periods, once in summer and once in winter. It is possible that it was going over the summer dormancy. 许多枫树有两个休眠期,一个在夏季另一个在冬季,可能它正要渡过夏眠期了吧.

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