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He has thus set up a good example of associating sound scholarship with political activism.

He has the wispy goatee and the ghoulish tattoos of a hardened, aging man but the skinny legs of a second grader and the biceps of a boy scout. 他留着一小簇山羊胡,强壮的身躯上纹有骷髅纹身,他是一位老去的男人,但却有着纤细的小腿以及发达的肌肉。
He has three boys and one girl. 他有三个男孩和一个女儿。
He has three brothers; one is a teacher, another (is) a soldier, and the other an artist. 他有三个兄弟:一个是老师,一个是军人,而另一个是艺术家。
He has three daughters, all of whom went abroad for further study. 他有三个女儿,她们都去国外深造了。
He has thus far refused. 但到目前为止,他都对此表示了拒绝。
He has thus set up a good example of associating sound scholarship with political activism. 加尔布雷斯不仅以学术和思想,而且以政治行动塑造了一个卓越的知识分子典范。
He has to account to the company for the documents he deals with every day. 他必须把每天经手的文件向公司交代清楚。
He has to analyze the problem and set it up. 他必须分析并提出问题。
He has to appease his young brother. 他不得不迁就他的弟弟。
He has to be 50 years old or above.the economy is all right, don't like on the gamble and drink,the personality is bright, docile,cultivated and have a responsibility the man. 他必须50岁或以上,经济没问题,不喜好赌博和喝酒,性格开朗,善良有责任心,有教养的有礼仪的男人.
He has to be back home by five to fetch his son from kindergarten . 他必须在五点钟前回家去幼儿园接他的儿子。

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