This was a clear call,Boardman said. We don't want any more people to die from carbon monoxide.
波德曼说:「这是很明确的呼吁,我们不希望有更多人死于一氧化碳中毒。」 |
This was a simple link to sell more papers.
「这只是为了卖出更多的报纸.」 |
This was an innocent mistake by an obviously inexperienced traveler,said Paul Haney, deputy executive director of airports and security for the city‘s airport agency.
“那位女乘客出此错误并非有意,很显然她是一个缺乏经验的旅行者,”洛杉矶市机场管理部门负责机场安全工作的执行副主管保罗·哈尼说。 |
This was his decision to go to war with an ill-conceived plan and an incompetently executed strategy,the Democratic senator from New York said in her initial presidential campaign in Iowa.
现任纽约州民主党参议员的希拉里在爱荷华州举行的首次总统竞选活动中说:“总统先生做出了这个战争的决定,但整个战争的计划都欠考虑,而且战争策略的实施也十分糟糕。” |
This was once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant,said Christopher McKay, a research scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
“这一切在过去看起来遥远得近乎无稽”,国家航天局的一位研究人员,克里斯托弗·麦克凯说。 |
This was quite a brazen operation. They were charging $18,000 for immigration papers and enough other documents that you could create an entire false identity,said Police Chief Armand La Barge.
这帮人胆子真大。他们收取18,000加币伪造移民纸和其它文件,这些文件完全可以建立一个假的身份。 |
This was the world's biggest real-life test of common courtesy,she said. The results were often surprising and consistently thought-provoking.
她说:“这是全世界最大规模世界对基本礼貌进行的真实测试。测试结果通常会出乎意料,并能发人深省。” |
This wasn't a bunch of politically correct folks who'd grown up learning tolerance.- On Soviet military advisors to the Third World, 2 October 2001.
「在学习容忍中长大的,不算是一群政治正确的家伙。」─谈苏俄派驻第三世界的军事顾问,2001年10月2日。 |
This well-known linguistic learned tribal languages in the field, not from books in the library.
"这位著名的语言学家是在实地学会部落语言,而不是在图书馆的书籍上学会的。" |
This well-known linguistic learned tribal languages in the field, not from books in the library.
这位著名的语言学家是在实地学会部落语言,而不是在图书馆的书籍上学会的。 |
This will be a long battle,he said. It won't be easy to bring down Taiwan's most powerful man.
他说:这将是一个长期的斗争,把台湾最有权势的一个家伙弄下去是很不容易地。 |