Besides the novelty, Carrabbia said anyone who orders The Big One is getting a bargain.
卡拉比亚说,定制巨无霸比萨饼的顾客除了能尝到新鲜,还能得到实惠。 |
Besides the persons as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, persons who have their accountant's practice qualification certificates revoked for violating laws and disciplines may not acquire the accountant's practice qualification certificates again wit
除前款规定的人员外,因违法违纪行为被吊销会计从业资格证书的人员,自被吊销会计从业资格证书之日起五年内,不得重新取得会计从业资格证书。 |
Besides the pollution item, we absorb all kinds of industry items which are large-scale, full of science and technology and strong developing power, such as fine chemistry, ocean chemistry, salty chemistry, new pattern material, biology engineer, stainles
除限制污染性项目外,各类工业项目都可以引进,突出引进规模大、科技含量高、具有较强的经济发展后劲和带动作用的项目(精细化工、海洋化工、盐化工、新型材料、医药、生物工程、不锈钢精铸、高档贝瓷、电子原件、纺织、服装)。 |
Besides the preserved independent functions of individual machines, this integral unit is also designed a pipeline carrying hot air to dry the high-viscosity materials, avoiding adhesion and accumulation.
本联动机组在保留各单机独立使用功能的同时对粘度大的粒斗设有管道热风固化装置。 |
Besides the probate , large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed marble ; and he is then gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more.
除了遗嘱,埋葬他还要高额的费用,他的遗言被刻在交了税的石碑上留传后世;这之后,他终于可以和他的祖辈们相聚,终于可以不用再交任何税了。 |
Besides the problem of Carbon-monoxide treated meat, video from Meat.Org talk about more further concern including ethic. Please don't watch them if you are full.
兔子很少考虑到吃肉的问题,最近因为一氧化碳处理肉的问题,广泛的在世界各地引起讨论,兔子发现了一个网站介绍给各位。(吃完饭,千万别点击观看。 |
Besides the purchase of a business kit. No person is required to p urchase any OV products or services to become a new Distributor.
任何人士除了按机汇要求购买一套创业锦囊外,便毋须先行购买任何产品或服务,即可成为机汇的直销商。 |
Besides the realization of moving function, the wriggling typed flexible mobile mechanism could also set up a flexible safety buffer layer between robot and intestinal tract by means of an air-in inflatable rubber bag, in order to avoid creating injury of
蠕动式柔性移动机构除了实现移动功能外,还可通过充气膨胀的像胶囊在机器人与肠道之间建立一个柔软的安全缓冲层,以避免在机器人运动过程中对人体内部软组织造成的擦伤和拉伤。 |
Besides the requirements stated above,Explosion proof and firefightregulations and Electrical Equipments Installation Project Construction and Checking and Accepting StateStandards shall be followed.
除上术这要求外,还必须遵循国家现行的“防爆、防火”规程和“电气装置安装工程施工及验收规定”等有关标准、规范规定。 |
Besides the settlements, financial aid directors at six universities and one federal Education Department employee have been put on leave after the disclosure of various kinds of financial arrangements, including stock ownership and consulting deals, with
试译:除了设立这些项目外,6所大学的财政援助负责人以及一名联邦教育部门的员工在许多财政内幕交易曝光后被迫离开,这些交易包括了?? |
Besides the significance in theory, they can be the standard solutions for computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
所得结果具有重要理论意义,可以为数值计算提供标准解。 |