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“Hungry?” I embrace him as close as I can.

“Hubby, when we will get married?”The woman asked with surprise on her face. distinguishing from the her voice, she was in resilience when she asking her hubby. “老公啊,我们什么时候能结婚啊?”女人一脸好奇的问,从声音分辨,她是很轻快的询问!
“Hullo,” said the boy, “Hogwarts too? “喂,”男孩说,“也是去上霍格沃茨吗?”
“Human Genome Placed on Chip” read the headline this past October as the New York Times reported that three biotech companies have made thumbnail-size devices that can record the activity of all the genes in a sample of human tissue. 2003年10月的某一天,《纽约时报》以「晶片上的人类基因组」为头条标题,报导了三家生技公司制造出拇指般大小的装置,可以记录人类组织样本当中所有基因的活性。
“Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen as by little adventures that occur every day. 人的幸福,很少产生于不常出现的大量财富,更多来自每天进行的一点点冒险。
“Human history is in essence a history of ideas” (H.G. Wells). “人类历史本质上是一部思想史”(H·G·威尔斯)。
“Hungry?” I embrace him as close as I can. 「饿了??」我紧紧的拥抱著他。
“Hypocrisy” is a “for myself” behavior labeled as “for the others ”. “虚伪”就是:为自己而做的事,贴上“为他人而做”的标签。
“I Got a Woman is a smash . “《我得到了一个女人》是首热门歌。”
“I ONLY ride on dirt and grass and go slowly. 我仅仅是在土路或者草地慢行而已.
“I afraid not now…” Bartender asked further: “Is there anything I can serve you? 「恐怕现在不行,」酒保说:「有什麽我可以效劳的吗?」
“I always want to play with my life. “我总想与自己的生活玩游戏。”

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