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Title Administratibe System of the available Warehouse Store Abstract: System this to working characteristic of warehouse, administrator management, material management, out of warehouse management, in of warehouse management circulate 4 subsystems, such

Titanic: an ill-luck sunken voyage gave birth to a permanent love. “what does the whole world mean without you, my love? 《泰坦尼克号》:一次倒霉的处女航竟意外谱写了一曲不沉的爱情。“我的爱人,如果没有了你,整个世界于我有何意义?”
Titanium Alloy Valve Retainer could help in reducing noise, friction, and vibration. 钛合金汽门帽可减低噪音、摩擦、震动。
Titanium alloy gripper and alloy steel single gripper has high elasticity and distortion and wear resistance. 爪片,钛合金,合金钢,单爪,弹性高,不易变形,耐磨损。
Titanium and Titanium Alloys have excellent specific strength and corrosion resisting property, and have important role in application in astronavigation facility, navigation facility, chemical industry and oil industry. 摘要钛及钛合金具有优良的比强度和耐蚀性,在航天航空及石油化工行业中起著重要作用。
Titanium is lightweight yet has superior strength and is corrosion resistant. 轻量化的钛合金,有较佳的强度及更好的防蚀能力。
Title Administratibe System of the available Warehouse Store Abstract: System this to working characteristic of warehouse, administrator management, material management, out of warehouse management, in of warehouse management circulate 4 subsystems, such 摘要:本系统针对仓库库存的工作特点,设计了管理员管理、材料管理、入库管理、出库管理等4个子系统,这4个子系统包括了库存的主要业务,大大减轻了工作人员的工作量,全面提高了库存材料的管理效率及服务质量。
Title ascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Is a Surial Factor for Retinal Neurons and a Critical Neuroprotectant during the Adaptie Response to Ischemic Injury. 血管内皮生长因子-A是一种视网膜神经元的存活因子并在局部缺血损伤的适应性反应中起到关键的神经保护作用。
Title bar: This contains the title that the Web designer named the page. 标题栏:它包括了网页设计者命名网页的名称。
Title bar: the title bar display your current position and activity in the system. 标题栏:标题栏显示了当前应用程序的标题.
Title it Contract. Do not leave this one to chance. Ifyourclient wants a contract, call it a contract. A judge nowsitting onthe federal bench once ruled that a document entitledProposalwas not a contract even though signed by both parties.The lessonlearne 标题上注明“合同”两字。
Title page – Highlights the central theme of the report, and includes the title, author's name, date, and name of the person or organisation who commissioned the report (if necessary). 标题页-将报告的主题放在显著的位置,包括标题、作者姓名、日期以及报告委托方姓名或委托机构名称(必要情况下)。

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