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Mr. B used various %'s in his figure .

Mr. Anthony: Thank you. Goodbye. 安东尼:谢谢你,再见。
Mr. Attorney-General now, called the young lady's father, Doctor Manette. 检察长此时要求这位小姐的父亲曼内特医生作证。
Mr. B may get hurt by your allusion to his previous scandal. (你暗指B先生过去的丑闻,会令他难过。)
Mr. B misses her very much as the saying goes, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 先生十分想念她,正如成语所说,「眼不见,心更念」。
Mr. B sometimes shows a hangdog look in front of his wife. 先生与其他女人有染后,在老婆面前显出有罪恶感的神色。
Mr. B used various %'s in his figure . (B先生在他的数字中用了不同的百分比。)
Mr. B: Stop talking and listen. Go to the reception desk in the lobby. 庞德:闭嘴,听我说。走到大厅的接待处。
Mr. Bai Jiawei, Consul General from India stationed in Shanghai, came to visit Gemsy and was received by Gemsy's boardchairman Mr. Ruan Xiaoming. 3月5日,印度驻上海总领事白加尉(中)及商务助理一行4人来访宝石,集团董事长阮小明(左一)接待。
Mr. Baker was too surprised to answer. 贝克先生太吃惊了,没有回答。
Mr. Bakiyev threatened to dissolve parliament if the opposition continues to try to unseat him. 巴基耶夫总统威胁,如果反对派继续试图推翻他,他就要解散议会。
Mr. Barker had taught in the US for twenty years when he came to China. 贝克先生到中国来的时候,已经在美国教书有20年了。

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