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The last thing it wants is an inherently risky mission built on were flights of fancy.

The last such use of the Capitol rotunda was for former President Ronald Reagan in 2004. 至今为止,最后一次使用国会大厦圆形大厅的是在2004年安放了前任总统里根的遗体。
The last tab is always Add Toolif you're privileged to add tools. 如果你有相应权限的话,工具标签的最后一项就是“添加工具”。
The last ten years have seen an unprecedented merge of physiology and genomics. 摘要近十年来,生理学与基因组学达到了空前的融合。
The last thing I remember is grabbing hold of Anikra and clinging to a piece of wreckage as the brigands sailed away. 我记得的最后一件事是,海盗们离去时,我正紧抓住爱昵坷拉递给我的手,死死的抱住了一块船的残骸。
The last thing a country with a record trade deficit can afford is to hurt its exporters. 最后贸易逆差国家能做的就只有损害出口商的利益了。
The last thing it wants is an inherently risky mission built on were flights of fancy. 他们最不愿意做的就是只凭心血来潮而盲目冒险。
The last thing that they suspected was the return of smallpox. 他们最意想不到的,便是天花又死灰复燃。
The last thing they want to be asked is the unthinkable, How old are you exactly? 所以,许多美国人竭力想维持外貌的年轻,他们最不愿别人问及的问题就是:“你到底有多大年纪了?”
The last thing we'd expect a lighthouse to do is to turn off its light, close its doors, and run the other way because the storm is coming. 最后我们期待一个灯塔去做的事是关掉它的光,关上它的门,而运行在不同的道路上——因为暴风雨正在来临。
The last thing you want to do is this market is put all your chips on one or two stocks in the hope of finding China's IBM. 你在这个市场上最不该做的事就是把所有的钱投在一两支股票上,以期发现中国的IBM。
The last thing you want to worry about the night before an interview is pleading with your drycleaner or getting burned by a hot iron. 最后你得担心的是在面试之前衣服是否干洗过或者熨斗熨烫过。

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