Voltage Control The voltage control is a rheostat that sets the operating point of the voltage regulator and therefore controls the output voltage of the generator set, within its design limits.
电压控制电压控制是设定电压调整器的运行点从而在设计范围内控制发电机组的输出电压的变阻器。 |
Voltage Dip Voltage dip is the dip in voltage that results when a load is added, occurring before the regulator can correct it, or resulting from the functioning of the voltage regulator to unload an overloaded engine-generator.
电压暂降电压暂降是在负荷增加而调整器还未能进行校正时、或电压调整器正在为过载的发动机卸载时出现的电压下降。 |
Voltage Regulation Voltage regulation is a measure that states the difference between maximum and minimum steady-state voltage as a percentage of nominal voltage.
电压调整率电压调整率描述的是最大和最小稳态电压差与额定电压之间的百分比。 |
Voltage can be measured using a variety of methods.
电压测量可以使用许多方法。 |
Voltage output on/off control for measuring resistance value in loading under no affection of power circuit.
具备输出电压断开功能,当断开输出电压,在不受电源线路的影响下,可直接测量负载电路的电阻值,使测试更方便。 |
Voltage probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.
(电压探测器警告阈值已成功设置。) |
Voltage regulation:Voltage regulation is maintained to within the limits of 1% at any fixed load ,and 2.5% from no load to full load (0.8PF).(special request is available option).
电压变动率:采用固态自动电压调整器,在任何固定负载下,其变动率保持在1%以内。由无载至满载(0.8PF)其电压变动率保持在2.5%以内(可依要求做更精密设计)。 |
Voltage segment network constituted by electron switch of BTA and controlled by single chip microcomputer constitutes a new fast electronic regulator.For BTA cross zero touch off,sine wave which is exported is integrity.A new way to generate stable AC cur
采用单片机控制双向可控硅作为电子开关所组成的电压分节网络,组成新颖快速的电子调压器;由于双向可控硅过零触发,所以其输出是不失真的完整正弦波;再用单片机组成反馈控制系统,从而找到了交流稳流的新方法,研制出一个大功率交流稳流电源. |
Voltage transfer ratio is a key element to restrict matrix converter industrialization all the time.
摘要电压传输比一直是制约矩阵变换器工业化的一个关键因素。 |
Voltages, applied to microscopic electrodes built up around these islands, push and pull electrons in and out of these regions, opening and closing the logic gates and regulating the flow of electric current through them.
在这些岛之间布置的微电极上加电压,就能推拉电子进出这些区域、开关逻辑闸,并且调控经过其间的电流。 |
Voltaire This is the best of all possible shits.
伏尔泰:这是所有可能大便里面最好的。 |