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Four compounds were isolated from the rhizome of Costus tonkinensis and elucidated as tetracosanoic acid(7), succinic acid(8), β sitosterol(9) and daucosterin(0).
从光叶闭鞘姜中分离鉴定了 个化合物 ,为二十四烷酸 (7) ,琥珀酸(8) ,β 谷甾醇 (9) ,胡萝卜苷 (0 )。

Four cases with fistula, case with chordee,urethral meatus stricture in case. Overall,the complication rate was 8.%. 术后尿瘘例,阴茎下曲、尿道口狭窄各例,总并发症发生率8.%。
Four combination of different hormone including ZT 0+NAA 0 、ZT 0+IBA 0 、 BA 0和 BA 0+NAA 0 could induce shoots of Viola diffusa Ging. 个激素组合即 ZT .0 +NAA0 .、ZT .0 +IBA0 .、 -BA .0和-BA .0 +NAA 0 .可诱导出蔓茎堇菜芽 ;
Four components determine the interarch expansion: sutural displacement (Sd-Sd),alveolar process tipping and bending (At+b-At+b), tooth displacement (Td-Td), and tooth tipping (Tt-Tt). 牙弓扩大由四个部分组成:愕中缝扩张(Sd一Sd)、牙槽突倾斜和弯曲(Ai十b一Ai+b)、牙齿移位(Td一Td)、牙齿倾斜(Tt一Tt)。
Four components in the Turpan raisin grape were measured, including vitamin C, polysaccharide, bioflavonoids and selenium. 用原子荧光光谱及紫外分光光度法测定其中与抑癌相关的成分维生素 C、多糖、黄酮及硒的含量。
Four compounds were isolated by column chromatography and HPLC. By spectroscopic method,their structures were identified as phytol(I),dl-α-Tocopherol(II),a-Ethoxy-α-tocopherol(Ⅲ) and ,-Cyclohexadiene-,-dione(Ⅳ). Compounds I-Ⅳ were isolated from D. 经过硅胶柱层析、凝胶层析反复分离,制备高效液相色谱纯化,得到个化合物,经光谱数据分析鉴定其结构分别为叶绿醇(Ⅰ,phytol),生育酚(Ⅱ,dl-α-Tocopherol),a-Ethoxy-α-tocopherol(Ⅲ,),-Cyclohexadiene-,-dione(Ⅳ)以上化合物均为首次从蛇莓中分离得到.
Four compounds were isolated from the rhizome of Costus tonkinensis and elucidated as tetracosanoic acid(7), succinic acid(8), β sitosterol(9) and daucosterin(0). 从光叶闭鞘姜中分离鉴定了 个化合物 ,为二十四烷酸 (7) ,琥珀酸(8) ,β 谷甾醇 (9) ,胡萝卜苷 (0 )。
Four ingredients of Ruicao oil were determined gas chromatographically using 0%PEG-0 M as stationary phase and decanol as internal standard at programmed temperature. 以GC法测定瑞草油各组分时,采用0% PEG-0 M固定相,正葵醇为内标,柱温以每min ℃从70℃升至0℃。
Four local minima and six transition states were obtained at the B LYP/- ++G( d, p) level of theory on the potential energy surface (PES) of glycine(Ip)-water complex. 在B LYP/- ++G( d, p)理论水平下,复合物势能面上存在四个极小值点和六个过渡态。
Four major peaks have been deteced on the % PAGE after staining with Xylene Brilliant Cyanin C and scanning by visible light,Sehlieren and U/V pattern of We preparation in the analytical ultracentrifuge give four major peaks with S_(0·w)=98, 8, 7 and s. 病毒粒子经 %凝胶电泳,染色扫描后有个峰。 超速离心分析有个主峰,其沉降系数分别为S_(0.w)=98s(B组份),8s(M组份),7s(T_b组份),和s(T_a组份)。
Four of 7 angiomyolipomas showed patchy fat or lipid, obviously enhancement and slightly enhancement during capillary phase was 8.% (/7) and 7.% (/7) respectively. 7个血管平滑肌脂肪瘤中个出现脂肪或脂质信号,动态增强皮质期明显增强8.%(/7),轻度增强7.%(/7)。
Four single nucleotide polymorphisms(T C,A0G,CA,A0G) were found,and the CA and A0G nucleotide substitution resulted in amino acid changes(Lysine7Glutamine and Alanine0T hreoine). 共发现了个核苷酸多态性(T C,A0G,CA,A0G),其中CA和A0G的碱基突变导致K7Q和A0T氨基酸的变异。

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