However, the red carnation has since become the symbol of a living mother while white signifies that one's mother has died.
不过,送红色的康乃馨表示母亲仍然健在,送白色康乃馨表示母亲已经过世。 |
However, the relationship between a female and a male is carrying a tint of sex. So it\'s sensitive. There is no desexualized friendship between man and woman.
而男女间的关系之所以敏感,就因为它是多少带有“性色彩”的。男女之间并无绝对“非性化”的“友谊”。 |
However, the relationship between nipple confusion and the duration of breastfeeding has not been well examined.
究竟乳头混淆这个抽象的概念是否存在? |
However, the relationship between the duty motivation and the partiality motivation co-exists in Kant's doctrine of the moral motivation.
但是,在康德的道德动机理论中,责任动机和偏好动机的关系是共存的。 |
However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
不过,这种关系将奠基于新的能量,不再与业力有所牵连。 |
However, the release of antibodies also inflames the bronchi and bronchioles.
然而,抗体的产生也导致了了支气管和细支气管群的发炎。 |
However, the report suggests Shanghai will see much faster growth in the next few years, with increasing numbers of companies relocating from Singapore.
然而报告显示,上海未来几年将加快增长,会有越来越多的公司把总部从新加坡迁到上海。 |
However, the reports about the in situ technique in liquid of atomic force microscopy are not seen usually so far.
目前所报道的有关原子力显微镜原位动态观察的方法在实际操作中需要较高的技巧性。 |
However, the research level of cognitive psychology in motor learning, theoretical base, experimental design, test of tool, and research control should be improved.
但在选题的理论依据、实验设计、测量工具检验、研究控制等方面还需加以改进和提高。 |
However, the researchers wrote, the meta-analysis indicates that a higher dose may reduce its incidence.
然而,研究人员写道,荟萃分析显示较高剂量可以减少结肠直肠癌的发病率。 |
However, the resemblance between the shroud image and Leonardo's famous self-portrait has been described as striking by many.
然而,列奥纳多的自画像和裹尸布之间有很多惊人的相似。 |