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Experiment on cucumber in greenhouse showed that, compared with traditional flooding and fertilization techniques, technology of integrated management of water and fertilizer on cucumber in greenhouse could save water and fertilizer, reduce relative humid

Experiment indicated that use the multiple orifice balls substitute hollow balls, not only can eliminate the matter of the hollow balls in the fluidized course, but also can improve desulfurized efficiency. 试验表明,用多孔球替代空心球做填料,不仅可以消除空心球在流化过程中出现的问题,还可以适当提高脱硫效率。
Experiment is the father of science. 实验是科学之父。
Experiment materials: jar, windpipe, limewater, flume and the experiment record chart for each group. 学生用材料:广口瓶、导气管、石灰水、火柴、集气瓶、水槽和小组实验记录表。
Experiment must be designed to yield results for the good of society, unprocurable by other means of study. 只有用其它的研究方法不能办到,才可以进行人体实验。而人体实验的结果一定是有利于人类社会。
Experiment of intensifying primary treatment was conducted to treat urban wastewater with bio-flocculation adsorption technique. Sludge precipitation property and affecting factors of biological phase under different sludge load were analyzed. 摘要应用生物絮凝吸附技术对城市污水进行强化一级处理试验,对不同污泥负荷条件下污泥沉降性能及生物相的影响因素进行分析研究。
Experiment on cucumber in greenhouse showed that, compared with traditional flooding and fertilization techniques, technology of integrated management of water and fertilizer on cucumber in greenhouse could save water and fertilizer, reduce relative humid 摘要通过水肥一体化技术与传统畦灌冲施肥技术对比试验分析,明确了大棚黄瓜水肥一体化技术效应主要是节水、节肥、节药、降低棚内空气湿度和保持棚内气温,有助于土壤理化性状的改善,取得提高产量和品质、减少投资、增加收入等效应。
Experiment result shows that the system has a good effect in better light. 实验结果显示,图像识别系统在光照比较好的条件下,能取得令人满意的效果。
Experiment result shows that this method is effective on the condition of proper sensed image size and resolution. 实验结果表明,该方法在实时图尺寸及分辨率适当的情况下取得了良好的效果。
Experiment results derived from AIMNET system showed that this approach can efficiently reduce the network load and improve the scalability of the distributed virtual environment through the control of details of the communication. 基于自主开发的分布式虚拟环境原型系统AIMNET的运行结果表明,该方法可以根据对象间的不同兴趣度控制通讯细节,减少了不必要的网络通讯,从而减轻系统的网络负载,进一步提高分布式虚拟环境的可扩展性。
Experiment results indicate the algorithm can converge the optimal solution rapidly and is an effective algorithm. 实验结果表明,本算法可以快速求得优化解,是求解车辆路径问题的一种有效算法。
Experiment results indicated that this method had relatively high fault-partition concentration and faultfinding probability, and its effectiveness was better than random testing in the same conditions. 实验结果表明,该方法分割错误元素的集中度以及命中错误的概率较高,相同条件下其效果要优于随机测试。

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