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At the moment the phenomenon seems to be restricted to Britain, but a quick search on the internet reveals that many other countries are also experiencing serious plumber shortages - a key factor behind the spread of posh plumbing.

At the moment of enplaning, I could no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down. 登上飞机的一刹那,一串思念的泪水止不住地滑落。
At the moment only 20 are used routinely in biology, but chemists can make thousands of others. 目前,生物学常用的有二十余种,而化学家可以制造出上千种其他核酸。
At the moment she had no appetite for gossip. 此时此刻她无心闲聊。
At the moment that Prince Frog fell in love with the princess, he realized that he would like to pay out what he had; When the princess fell for Prince Frog, she would like to give up what she had. 当青蛙爱上公主的那一刻,他愿意为公主付出所有;当公主爱上青蛙的那一刻,她愿意为青蛙放弃一切。
At the moment the ejection seat whipped Stricklin into that optimum position, it created an exit for him, blowing the canopy off the jet fighter. 就在弹射座椅把斯特里克林固定在最佳位置的那一刻,座椅还会同时把驾驶舱顶盖炸开,从而为他留出逃生出口。
At the moment the phenomenon seems to be restricted to Britain, but a quick search on the internet reveals that many other countries are also experiencing serious plumber shortages - a key factor behind the spread of posh plumbing. 就目前而言,这个现象似乎仅限于英国,但在互联网上略加搜索就可发现,许多国家都存在水管工严重短缺的问题,而这正是“时髦水管工”风潮在英国得以流行的关键因素。
At the moment the technology tends to be proprietary and application-specific. 目前生物识别技术大多被专利保护,而且一种产品只有一种用途。
At the moment there is a heated debate, but no consensus of that kind. 眼下,讨论还很激烈,但还没有达成那种共识。”
At the moment there is nothing official to this deal as neither Claudio Lotito nor any of his colleagues have expressed themselves on the matter but Delio Rossi's press conference is expected in the afternoon. 现在,主席和其他俱乐部官员都没有表示看法,但这个消息可能在主教练罗西下午的新闻发布会对外发布。
At the moment we should use heroic remedies in the tests. 那时我们应该在那些实验中采取大胆的补救法。
At the moment when Holmes struck the light I heard a low, clear whistle, but the sudden glare flashing into my weary eyes made it impossible for me to tell what it was at which my friend lashed so savagely. 福尔摩斯点火之际我听到低低的清晰的口哨声,但是火光突然映入我疲倦的眼中使我不可能搞清楚我朋友那么猛烈摇晃的是什么。

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