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During the past half ccntury, the world\'s population has been increasing at a fantastie speed, and we are now faced with the so-called problem of population explosion.

During the past decade, more and more school transformed the self-owned management project in providing school lunch into contract-out. 近十多年来,台湾越来越多学校由自行办理转为委外经营。
During the past few years, a variety of natural hazards like typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods and acid rain have been broadly reported around the world. 近年来颱风、地震、海啸、土石流、洪水、酸雨等之大自然灾害,曾于全球各地造成不同程度之灾害。
During the past few years, scientists the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in a task they once spent their lives avoiding writing, but particularly letter writing. 在过去几年间,世界各地的科学家突然发现他们自己正卓有成效地从事一项工作——书写。而过去他们曾竭力避免写作,特别是写信。
During the past few years, there are witnessed significant advances in NMR hardware development as well as methods and applications. 过去数十年来核磁共振无论在硬体设计或技术应用方面的持续发展都是科学家们有目共睹的。
During the past five years, working side by side with our federal, State and local partners, the Department has worked tirelessly to strengthen our Nation's counterterrorism effors and to reduce violent crime to historic lows. 在过去的五年里,从联邦到州到各地方司法机构团结奋进,切实加强反恐力度,使暴力犯罪减至历史最低点。
During the past half ccntury, the world\'s population has been increasing at a fantastie speed, and we are now faced with the so-called problem of population explosion. 在过去的半个世纪,世界人口增长突飞猛进,我们现在正面临着所谓“人口爆炸”问题。
During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded. 仅在过去的一夜,据守集结地的霉菌陆战队就二死五伤。
During the past quarter century this power has not only become increasingly great but it has changed in character. 在过去的1/4世纪中,这种力量不仅日趋强大,而且其性质也发生了变化。
During the past several decades, alteration of habitats has also encouraged the expansion of such diseases as hantavirus, Ebola, West Nile virus, dengue fever and AIDS. 在过去数十年间,许多疾病都因为栖境改变而扩张範围,包括汉他病毒、伊波拉病毒、西尼罗病毒、登革热、爱滋病等。
During the past ten years, Huamin group has won the title of “shanghai popular residential property”, “excellent quality prize” and “excellent apartment type prize” in shanghai excellent residential property vote, the title of excellent intellectualize re 10年来,华敏集团开发的项目曾荣获上海市流行楼盘称号、上海市优秀住宅评选优秀质量奖、上海市优秀住宅评选优秀房型奖、四高优秀小区称号、白玉兰奖、鲁班奖等多项荣誉称号。
During the past ten years, many kinds of synthesized acoustic detection methods have been the effective measures for detecting grouting effect, but it is not easy to decide whether the separate detecting result estimation about multifold methods meets the 近十年来,多种方法的综合声波测试已成为灌浆效果检测的有效手段之一,但对多种方法检测结果分别评判是否达到设计标准难下定论。

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