Blue Stone's sound resonates with ambrosial melodies, opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals; interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story-telling.
在青石的音乐中,优美的旋律、丰富的钢琴插曲和媚惑人心的嗓音相互共鸣,交织成一匹华丽的织锦,倾诉着神秘的故事。 |
Blue Whale is first and foremost a club, a club for those who believe that life is too short to waste time on the mundane or second-best.
“蓝鲸”俱乐部致力于服务那些坚信短暂的生命非常宝贵,决不能浪费在日常琐事中的享乐主义者。 |
Blue adjustable neon lamp, peaceful and comfortable, quite design.
蓝色调和氖气灯,尽显安宁与舒适,安静无声的设计。 |
Blue always looks very becoming on her.
她穿蓝色的服装总是很合适的。 |
Blue amber is only found in one country: here in the Caribbean, in the Dominican Republic, Santiago.
世界上仅有一个国家出产蓝琥珀,那就是位于加勒比海的多米尼加共和国的亚哥加卡瓜。 |
Blue and green are the chroma key colors most frequently used.
使用得最多最频繁的色键颜色是蓝色和绿色。 |
Blue and white bell. Heart shpaed foliage. Miniature.
蓝/白色的铃铛花。心型叶。迷你型。 |
Blue aragonite is rarely mineral assumed resembling fibers. These aggregation are brightly blue and likes mountain. The form is beautiful and it is of good sight value.
蓝文石是一种较少见的矿物晶体.常呈纤维状产出.该集合体为鲜艳的蓝色.纤维结构明显.造型奇特.具有极高的观赏和收藏价值. |
Blue chip stocks also soared, carrying the Dow Jones industrials up more than 338 points.
绩优股同时暴涨,带动道琼工业指数上涨三百三十八点。 |
Blue crystal/ glass/ mineral crystal…….
蓝宝水晶/玻璃面/矿物水晶……。 |
Blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant.
蓝眼睛是隐性的,褐眼睛是显性的。 |