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We had to sit through several tedious speeches.

We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills. 我们得省吃俭用来付帐.
We had to search the furthest reaches of the city to find this birthday present, but still it's worth it. 为了买这个生日礼物我们找遍了城市的每个角落,但它的确是物有所值。
We had to set out on short notice. 一接到通知,我们就出发了。
We had to shore up the damaged wall. 我们不得不支撑起受损的墙。
We had to sit through several tedious speeches. 我们只得坐在那里听著几个乏味的讲演.
We had to sit through several tedious speeches. 我们不得不坐在那里听完那几个冗长而乏味的发言。
We had to slake ourselves with rainwater in the desert. 在沙漠中我们不得不用雨水解渴。
We had to squash up to make room for the others who wanted to use the lift. 我们得挤出空位让其他想搭电梯的人进来.
We had to stand the new desk on end to get it through the office door. 我们得把这张新办公桌竖起来才能抬进办公室。
We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door. 我们必须把桌子站立竖起来以通过这扇门。
We had to start again from scratch. 我们必须再从头开始。

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