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They performed rituals to do away with the past and purify themselves for the new year.

They perform general functions such as making back up copies of diskettes and copying files from tape to disk. 用于执行一般功能,例如支持磁盘拷贝和从磁带到磁盘拷贝文件。
They perform to the tune of $200 an hour. 他们演奏1小时的报酬达200美元。
They performed His wondrous acts among them, And miracles in the land of Ham. 诗105:27在敌人中间显他的神迹在含地显他的奇事。
They performed his miraculous signs among them, his wonders in the land of Ham. 27在敌人中间显他的神迹,在含地显他的奇事。
They performed on a makeshift stage of wood planks. 他们在一个用木板搭的临时舞台上演出。
They performed rituals to do away with the past and purify themselves for the new year. 为了庆祝新年,他们举行仪式来废除旧事,净化自己。
They periodically thinned our leaves. 他们定期打掉一些叶子。
They persevered through some difficult times and emerged on the other side as a more cohesive unit winning their last five games. 三个月前,掘金交换来了艾弗森,虽然开始有一段艰难的磨合期,但现在的掘金显然是一个已经高度融合的球队,这为他们带来的最近的5场连胜。
They persist in solving problems by themselves. 他们坚持自己解决问题.
They persist on having the problem solved themselves . 他们坚持自己解决问题.
They persisted with the agricultural reforms, despite opposition from the farmers. 他们不顾农民反对, 仍继续进行农业改革.

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