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Human error is always a possibility,he said.

Human demodex is a conditioned parasite with high infestation rate. 目的人体蠕形螨是蠕形螨病的病原虫,人感染率较高。
Human development upsets the delicate equilibrium of the ecosystem. 人类的发展破坏了生态系统微妙的平衡。
Human differ from animals because of their ability to speak and use tools. 人类和其他动物不同, 在于他会说话和会使 用工具.
Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。
Human embryos do not provide enough time for chromatin remodeling, thus preventing the cloning of humans using adult cells. 人类胚胎没有足够长的时间进行核染质的再塑造,因而妨碍了用成人细胞克隆人类。
Human error is always a possibility,he said. 有可能出现人为的失误。”
Human essence is the complex of social relations, and the same is true of human surplus value, which, in turn, is the quantitative expression of essence. 人的本质是人的社会关系的总和,而人的剩余价值量在一定意义上正是人的社会关系的总和,也正是人的本质的数量表现。
Human existence is a pointless accident if God is denied. 假如上帝被否定,那么人的存在便是一个没有任何意义的意外。
Human experience suggests that they do. 人类的经验表明这种关系确实存在。
Human factor is because the fire fighting archives is imperfect; the careless of fire fighting archives management, the unsympathetic of the users cause the loss, blot, tear of the fire fighting archives. 人为因素是指由于消防档案工作制度不健全,消防档案管理人员的疏忽以及有关使用者的不爱护等原因,造成消防档案材料丢失、玷污、撕裂。
Human factors are the main factors that might affect the safety of air traffic control and the quality of operation. 摘要人的因素是影响空中交通管理安全和运行品质的关键因素。

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