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In every man there is a king. Speak to the king, and the king will come forth.

In every heart there is a room, a sanctuary safe and strong. 每颗心里,总有个角落,一个安全又坚固的避难所。
In every high street through Britain nowadays there are at least one “ do-it-yourself” shop. 在今日整个英国,城镇主街上至少有一家“自己动手”店铺。
In every joke there's a grain of truth. 每一个笑话都有一个真理的种子。
In every joy filled and cosy day, ice cream cakes not only bring you the exquisite fragrance of milk essence but a deep lasting flavor. 在每一个充满欢乐与温馨的日子里,冰淇淋蛋糕带给你的不仅有细腻醇香的牛奶精华,还有挥之不去的浓情蜜意。
In every language there seem to be certain unmentionable-words of such strong...connotations that they cannot be used in polite discourse. 每种语言中都有一些“不可提及”的词,它们有着十分强烈的隐含意义,因而不能用在礼貌的对话中。
In every man there is a king. Speak to the king, and the king will come forth. 在每个人内心都有一个国王。如果你想与他交谈,国王就会出现。
In every modern country that is Christian or post-Christian, women are the beautiful sex --- to the detriment of the notion of beauty as well as of women. 在任何一个信奉基督教或新基督教的现代国家里,女子是美丽的性别,就不仅贬低了女性的价值,也贬低了美的价值。
In every note and every word of Beethoven, from the time he first became articulate, this erect stature and proud majesty of soul spoke with convincing assuredness. 在每笔记和贝多芬的每个词,从时间他首先成为了体节动物、这个笔直身材和灵魂轮幅骄傲的雄伟以令人相信的确实。
In every person from the cradle to the grave, there is a deep craving to be appreciated. 每个人从生到死,都深深地渴望冀求别人的欣赏与感激。
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. 在这些压迫的每一阶段中,我们都是用最谦卑的言辞请求改善;但屡次请求所得到的答覆是屡次遭受损害。
In every theme there is so called action week. 因为有每个主题,所以叫做“行动周”。

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