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Last year, China was Singapore's third largest import country and fifth largest export country.

Last year's winner, Hannah, gave Riggs a snarl, but he kept his cool, plodding down the runway both gracefully and glacially. 上届比赛冠军汉纳对着里格斯一顿狂吠,但里格斯镇静自若,沉着优雅地缓缓走下了跑道。
Last year(2004) we had 30 mayors from the Chongqing area in my city of Chattanooga. 去年,我们的城市查塔努加接待了30位来自重庆的政府官员。
Last year, 12 men died after an explosion in the West Virginia coal mine. 去年,这个西维吉尼亚的煤矿发生爆炸,致使十二人死亡。
Last year, China imported 275 million tons of iron ore and produced 349 million tons of crude steel. 去年,中国进口了2.75亿吨的铁矿石,生产了3.49亿吨的粗钢。
Last year, China successfully held the World Horticultural Exposition in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province. 去年,中国成功地在云南昆明举行了世界园艺博览会。
Last year, China was Singapore's third largest import country and fifth largest export country. 去年,中国是新加坡第三大进口国和第五大出口国。
Last year, China was the largest recipient of FDI among developing countries with USD63bn. 去年,中国是吸收外商直接投资最多的发展中国家,高达630亿美元。
Last year, China's migrant women of child-bearing age totaled 31.9 million. 去年,中国流动人口中育龄女性已达到3190万人。
Last year, Chinese citizens held almost 80 per cent of their financial assets in cash and low-yielding cash deposits, with McKinsey expecting this ratio to decline to 60 per cent by 2016. 去年,中国公民近80%的金融资产是以现金或低收益现金存款的形式持有的。麦肯锡预计,到2016年,这一比率将降至60%。
Last year, Kenteris and Thanou missed an out-of-competition drug test while training on the Greek island of Crete. 不过这已经不是他们两个人第一次错过药检了,在去年,他们两人就由于在希腊的一个小岛上训练而错过了一次药检。
Last year, Maria Sharapova was startled by a streaker who leapt on to Centre Court during her quarter-final against Elena Dementieva. 去年,莎拉波娃在与对手艾丽娜·戴蒙蒂娃进行四分之一赛时,被一位跃入中央球场的裸奔者吓了一大跳。

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