Templates - This allows you to change the page layout for your game.
模板——这允许你改变游戏的页面布局。 |
Templates for major construction 2,000 tonne plastic production technology transfer, low-cost, environmentally friendly type of plastic resins and thiourea aldehyde wave aldehyde production technology transfer and increased Nianji Zhengshi cardindoor to a
主要有建筑模板专用胶2000元/吨生产技术转让、低成本、环保型脲醛树脂胶及消醛增粘剂生产技术转让和“正始牌”室内去毒剂--甲醛清除剂每公斤15元(无二次污染)并诚招全国各代理商。 |
Templates provide a natural mechanism for reuse of the notification subsystem with different state data.
模块提供了一种自然的解决方法,可使得事件通知子系统能用于不同的状态数据。 |
Templates that appear in the global templates list (template picker).
出现在全局模板列表中的模板(模板选取)。 |
Temple Grandin of the University of Illinois, for instance, is a high-functioning autistic whose phenomenal ability to visualize and to empathize with cows allowed her to design more humane slaughterhouses.
例如,美国伊利诺大学的格兰丁是位高能力的自闭症患者,她具有惊人的想像能力和对乳牛的同理心,因此设计出更人道的屠宰场。 |
Temple Square in Salt Lake City has a visitor center filled with history paintings.
盐湖城的神殿广场有一个观光中心,里面存满了历史题材的绘画作品。 |
Temple food is supposed to be minimalist, preservative and monosodium glutamate-free, and to contain natural ingredients that allow the true flavour to come through without being obscured by pungent additions such as onion, garlic and ginger.
寺庙饮食应该是要求最低,无防腐剂和味精,富含天然成分,不添加洋葱,蒜头和姜等刺激性配料,以便品尝到食物最原始的味道。 |
Temple staff had to remove a large pile of trash before the structure was recognized as a pagoda whose engraving showed it was built in 1853.
寺庙人员必须移除一大堆垃圾,才看得出这个建筑物是一座宝塔,上面的雕刻显示该塔建于一八五三年。 |
Temples and Monasteries in Luoyang was a literary work written in the mediaeval times, embodying linguistic features typical of that en.
这些双音节词有的是新词,有的是原来的词出现了新的意义。 |
Temples and statues decay (rot), but books survive.
对于伟大的思想来说,时间是无关重要的。 |
Temples and statues decay, but books survive.
寺庙会坍塌,神像会朽烂,而书籍却永存。 |