In addition, it's two minutes long so every time Honda airs the film on British television, they're shelling out enough dough to keep any one of us in clover for a lifetime.
另外,每次本田公司将这则时长两分钟的广告在英国电视台播放,赚到的钱都足够我们养尊处优一辈子。 |
In addition, its fault can be identified.
因通信实体之间交易的信息对它保密。 |
In addition, its multiple nourishing essences can not only relax your skin, but also wash away tiredness.
更有多种滋养精华,不但能镇静舒缓肌肤,也能为你洗去一身疲倦。 |
In addition, jewelry alloys used in wax setting and casting must have the properties of low melting temperature, good fluidity and anti oxidization properties.
用于蜡镶铸造的合金应具有较低的熔点、较好的流动性及抗氧化性能等。 |
In addition, language has close relation to culture and it is important to introduce the cultural knowledge of both target language and native language in foreign language teaching and learning.
语言与文化的关系十分密切,在外语的教学中介绍双方的文化是十分重要的。 |
In addition, librarians should not neglect the responsibility of selection, which makes up the core work of collection development.
馆际间资源共享固然要加强,但也必须提升彼此支持的能力。 |
In addition, listening is difficult for a man because he mistakenly assumes there is a logical order when she randomly changes from one problem to another.
另外,倾听对男人而言是件苦差事,他误以为女人随便改变的话题会合乎逻辑。 |
In addition, local governments stepped up their efforts to build various industrial development zones especially the image projectsso as to improve the environment for absorbing more investments and, as a result, they played the active roles in overinvest
同时,为了改善投资环境,各级政府还大搞开发区和形象工程建设,直接充当了推动投资过热的角色。 |
In addition, local party officials, long used to manipulating information, have been complicit in the payoff system when it suits their needs.
另外,一些地方的共产党官员,长期惯于操纵处理这种与记者串通一气的信息游戏,在交易中让信息发布符合他们的需求。 |
In addition, management should ensure user awareness of the dangers of clicking on unknown links and consenting to the installation of unauthorized software.
另外,管理员需要确保用户知道点击未知链接和同意安装未认证软件的危害。 |
In addition, many enterprises will also search the Internet search industry and enterprise search as a major means of profit, provide subdivision and well-targeted industries, and enterprises.
此外,不少互联网搜索企业还将行业搜索和企业搜索作为主要盈利手段,提供各种细分化和针对性强的行业、企业信息。 |