In resent years, the mature of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMs) and the rapid development of Nano-Technology make it possible to manufacture mechanical and electrical devices in nano-scale. |
中文意思: 近年来由于微机电技术的成熟普及与奈米机电技术的发展,各种机电元件均趋于微型化。 |
In requisitioning vegetable fields in suburban areas, the units using the land should pay new vegetable field development and construction fund.
征用城市郊区的菜地,用地单位应当按照国家有关规定缴纳新菜地开发建设基金。 |
In rereading these classics, it is imperative that their abundant implications be grasped with a comprehensive approach, that their understanding be strengthened by juxtapositioning historicity and practicality, and that academic learning be differentiate
重读经典文本应在对原典的整体审视中把握经典文本的丰富内涵;在历史性与实践性的交汇中加深对经典文本的理解;区别学术与政治,客观、公正地给予经典文本以美学的和历史的评价。 |
In research presented on May 20,2002 at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society, Holger Schunemann, M.D., Ph.D.,assistant professor of medicine and social and preventive medicine in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, reported that drink
在2002年5月20日提交给美国胸科学会会议上的研究报告中,布法罗大学医学和生物医学学院的医学、社会医学和预防医学系助理教授霍尔格·舒内曼医学博士报告称,近期以及终生饮用葡萄酒与肺部功能的改善有关。 |
In research released on Monday, one in five male drivers said their eyes were diverted from the road by posters of scantily clad women -- such as the saucy cleavage shots of model Eva Herzigova in her notorious adverts for Wonderbra.
周一公布的一项研究结果显示,男性驾驶当中每5人就有1人会被路边海报上衣不蔽体的女郎吸引目光,例如名模伊娃˙赫兹高娃的神奇胸罩广告中的撩人乳沟。 |
In research they conducted, the scientists found that Chromium three, a common ingredient in beer, diabetic supplements and weight loss supplements can convert, inside the body, into the carcinogen chromium six.
在他们进行的研究中,科学家们发现一种常在啤酒中和供糖尿病患者还有减肥人士服用的补充品里含有的成份铬三,可在体内转换成致癌物质铬六。 |
In resent years, the mature of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMs) and the rapid development of Nano-Technology make it possible to manufacture mechanical and electrical devices in nano-scale.
近年来由于微机电技术的成熟普及与奈米机电技术的发展,各种机电元件均趋于微型化。 |
In reserve fund, public welfare fund and undistributed profit in the joint stock enterprise, the corresponding portion held by the State or State-owned enterprise to its investment.
(二)股份制企业的公积金、公益金和未分配利润中,国家或者国有企业按照投资比例所占有的相应份额。 |
In residential areas, neighbors set up thick pockets of sale displays; in more rural areas, fields and pastoral views bridge the gap between vendors.
在位于居民区的跳蚤市场里,常常可见附近居民提大包小包满载而归的情景;而位于较偏僻地区的跳蚤市场,会出现两个摊位间隔着一座桥的有趣景象。 |
In residential jobs, carpenters crib the basement; build the house framework, walls, roof, exterior and interior finishes; and install doors, windows, flooring, cabinets, stairs, handrails, paneling, moulding and ceiling tiles.
建加拿大居民住房,木工设置地下室窗口围栏;建房屋框架,墙,屋顶,房屋内外终饰;安装门窗,壁柜,楼梯,扶手,装饰板条和天花板。 |
In resolving the Taiwan question, we will not undertake to renounce the use of force precisely for the purpose of bringing about a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question.
在解决台湾问题上,我们不承诺放弃使用武力,正是为了促成和平解决。 |
In resource constraint economies, the cumulative system contributes to increasing savings and thus to promoting economic development; in demand constraint economies with insufficient aggregate demand, the pay-as-you-go system is beneficial to readjusting
在资源约束型经济中,积累制的养老社会保险有利于增加储蓄,从而有利于促进经济发展;在需求约束型经济中,社会总需求不足,现收现付制的养老社会保险有利于调节收入分配,更有利促进经济发展。 |