In general terms, the death knight can be considered a type of class that combines damage dealing and tanking, but naturally it will have an array of unique abilities as well.
笼统地说,死亡骑士会被设计成伤害制造者(囧死你的翻译)和坦克,不过它当然还会拥有一大坨的独特能力。 |
In general the fatter subjects slept about 1.8 hours a week less than those with normal weights. Americans experience insufficient sleep and corpulent bodies.
总体上,较胖的被调查对象比体重正常者每周约少睡1.8小时。 |
In general these anomalies are generated by rapid corrections taking place to account for the presence of raw radiation within the field of view during the spin.
一般而言,这些异常产生于旋转视图中出现的原辐射的快速修正。 |
In general these two pins should be joined together and to the analog ground of the system.
通常,这两个引脚应该就近连接后再接模拟地。 |
In general this type of balance is more interesting to look at than symmetrical balance.
通常,这种形式的平衡比对称平衡更能使人发生兴趣。 |
In general, Chongqing girl is fit to be female cousin -- one's unforgettable first love.
总体上看,重庆美眉适合做表妹——难忘的初恋情人。 |
In general, Forex Dealer Members are NFA Members who act as counterparties to retail off-exchange forex futures and options transactions.
一般而言,外汇交易商成员都是提供外汇期货期权交易的NFA会员。 |
In general, I love doing scenes with Daniel.
大体上说,我喜欢和丹尼尔一起拍戏。 |
In general, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.
一般说来,我喜欢喜剧甚于悲剧。 |
In general, I recommend that you don't bother logging in as a regular user during these exams.
大体上,我推荐你不烦扰砍伐原木在当做一个一般的使用者在这些考试期间。 |
In general, I think you can't rely on state censorship.
总的来说我认为不能依靠国家审察制度,这很危险。 |