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Situation and circumstances ~ don't make any special request. When the good things come, accept it calmly for when the rough times are here, be prepared and take it easy.

Situated on the edge of the Cotswolds escarpment, above the Vale of Berkeley and the River Severn, it is a picturesque village. 位于科茨沃尔德丘陵地带的边缘,在伯克利谷和塞文河的上游,它是一个风格独特的村庄。
Situated on the main entertainment hub of Macau city, where 3 minutes from the Macau Ferry Terminal and Heliport. 12 minutes drive from the Border Gate and 15 minutes drive from the Macau International Airport. 座落澳门市中心的旅游娱乐地段,距离澳门港澳码头及直升机场只3分钟车程,距离关闸12分钟车程,距离澳门国际机场15分钟车程。
Situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid, the town of Ohrid is one of the oldest human settlements in Europe. 奥赫里德镇坐落在奥赫里德湖边,是欧洲最古老的人类聚居地之一。
Situated toward the northwest. 西北的位置向西北的
Situated within CBD on Tianhe Road in Guangzhou City,neighboring Tianhe East railway station,terminal of subway station line 1 &3 and Tianhe Stadium.Near by CITIC Plaza,Times Souare,Metro Plaza etc. 雄踞广州市天河中央商务区,距广州火车东站及地铁一、三号线、天河体育中心一箭之遥,与中信广场、时代广场、大都会广场比肩而立。
Situation and circumstances ~ don't make any special request. When the good things come, accept it calmly for when the rough times are here, be prepared and take it easy. 不刻意去求好,好的来了,平淡地接受;不故意标榜,故意用不好的,当不好的来临时,也安然用之.
Situation apparently turning favorable buyer wily to compromise upon your assurance as above 形势变化明显有利,买主可能会同意你方所提的上述保证。
Situation assessment is playing an important role in modern warfare. 摘要态势评估在现代战争中起着重要的作用。
Situation assessment is the basis of battlefield decision, and it is important to antiaircraft action how to make the right battlefield decision. 摘要态势评估是战场决策的基础,而如何进行正确的战场决策对防空战斗有着重要的影响。
Situation of the mainland that Taiwan has already presented the fund and outflowed , and then squeeze it to making the investment at home , need to manage two sides' trade further at present. 台湾已经出现资金外流大陆的情形,进而排挤对国内投资,目前需要进一步管理两岸贸易。
Situation:Mr. David lives in our hotel for a long time, heoften goes to the Night Club to drink. (情景对话:大卫先生在我们宾馆住了一段时间了,他经常到夜总会喝酒。)

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