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I am a lonely boat looking for warm harber, no matter how far from the worldendless,I will stil sail for you, speak out my missing in the wind and wave!

I am a life that was changed. 我就是一个因此被改变的生命。
I am a lion-hearted man. 我是一个勇敢的人。
I am a little burnt out coming into this championship, so to do reasonably well is fine with me. 来世锦赛之前我有点精疲力竭,所以一般好对我来说也就够好了。
I am a little rusty on them. 我对它们有些生疏了。
I am a little tired,but i can insist on. 我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。
I am a lonely boat looking for warm harber, no matter how far from the worldendless,I will stil sail for you, speak out my missing in the wind and wave! 总以为山是水的故事,海是帆的故事,天是云的故事,你是我的故事,却、不知我是不是你的故事,今天我只做两件事,呼吸和想你!
I am a lonely child/kid. 网友解答:我是一个孤独的小孩.
I am a long-eared owl. My mother laid eggs in an old nest in a hole in a tree. She sat on the eggs until we hatched. 我是个长耳猫头鹰,我妈妈在树洞一个老的鸟巢中生蛋,她一直坐到蛋孵出我们为止。
I am a lovely woman, gentleness,humor and wit,bright and traditional;Like to travel,music,reading,delicacies;Be filled with to the new thing very strange, the thinking is active;Wish everything of the wish nature in peace and harmony. 我是一个可爱的女人,温柔、风趣、开朗、传统;喜欢旅游、音乐、阅读、美食;对新事物充满好奇,思维活跃;祝愿自然界的一切和睦。
I am a magnanimous person, but, really cann't bear your behavior any more. 我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。
I am a man of countryside, it is in my blood. 我是属于乡村的人,这是我的天性.

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