Preparation of Microarrays For Detection of Aiv Subtypes H5,H7 And H9
检测禽流感病毒H5、H7和H9亚型的正向基因芯片的制备 |
Effects of Salinealkali Habitat on Absorption of Na by Puccillia tenuiflora and Its Distribution in Vivo
盐碱生境对星星草吸收Na ̄ 及Na ̄ 在体内区域化分布的影响 |
Cloning and expression of the gene encoding alkaline protease from Bacillus licheniformis in E.coli
Bacillus licheniformis 6816碱性蛋白酶基因在E.coli中的克隆和表达 |
Actin is Located in the Nucleus and Nuclear Matrix of HeLa Cells
HeLa细胞核和核骨架含有肌动蛋白 |
Preparation and characterization of the monoclonal antibody against HIV-1 p24 antigen
抗HIV-1核心抗原p24单克隆抗体的制备及特性的初步鉴定 |
The Biomass of Pinus kesiya var langbianensis Stands in PU-Er District, Yunnan
云南普洱地区思茅松林的生物量 |
Cytotoxicity of nacre-polylactide artificial bone
珍珠层聚乳酸人工骨的细胞毒性实验 |
Antigenic Peptides Bound to MHC Class I Molecule
主要组织相容性复合体I类分子抗原肽 |
Stability and Application of Dark Red Pigment Isolated from Dry Leaves of Cinnamomum Camphora
樟树落叶棕黑色色素的稳定性及其应用 |
Study on Distribution and Seral Process of Vegetation on the Sand of Zhanggutai in Liaoning Province
辽宁省章古台沙地植被的分布状况与演替过程的研究 |
Variance of antibiotic resistance and virulence gene of Vibrio cholerae O139 in Hangzhou city
杭州市O139群霍乱弧菌耐药变迁及毒力基因携带 |