Imports Protection to make sure noone knows the API function used until he meets them in the code.
导入表保护以防止查询程序用到的API函数,而只能从代码中看到它们。 |
Imports by petrochemical enterprises sanctioned by the industrial authority are exempt from this provision.
但经工业主管机关认定之石化业厂商输入者,不在此限。 |
Imports from Africa included coffee, cocoa and olive oil.
来自非洲的进口物品包括咖啡、可可和橄榄油。 |
Imports from China into the eurozone have overtaken imports from the US, according to official figures yesterday, which also highlighted the diminishing impact of foreign trade on eurozone growth.
昨日公布的官方数据显示,欧元区从中国的进口额已超过其从美国的进口额。该数据还突显出,外贸因素对欧元区经济增长的影响力正在不断下降。 |
Imports from China rose by more than 20%.
来自中国的进口增长超过了20%。 |
Imports from India, a major supplier to the United States, rose 12% in 2006, which was less than the rate recorded by China.
来自印度的进口,美国的一个主要供应国,在2006年为12%,略少于中国的速度纪录。 |
Imports from Japan accounted for 40% of the total.
来自日本的进口货物占进口数量的40%。 |
Imports in the first three months have increased by 10 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.
第一季度的进口额与去年同期相比增长了百分之十. |
Imports in the general trade, more affected by investment slowdown, only moved up 7.5 percent and the share in total imports was down by 2.5 percentage points.
一般贸易进口受投资需求放缓的影响较大,仅增7.5%,占总进口比重下降2.5个百分点。 |
Imports increased 14.7 percent year-on-year in the second quarter and 1.7 percent against the previous quarter, totaling US$553 million.
第二季度的进口额总计5.53亿美元,同比增长14.7%,比第一季度增长1.7%. |
Imports will be allowed in proportion to exports.
容许的进口量将按照出口的多少而定。 |