The Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the People's Bank of China said the rules are part of government efforts to regulate the real estate market and to improve the efficiency of foreign
建设部、商务部、国家发改委和中国人民银行宣称,新规定是中国政府为规范房地产市场、改善外国投资效率而做出努力的一部分。 |
The Ministry of Defence said the soldiers were from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment.
防务部门说这几个士兵来自皇家英国军队一营。 |
The Ministry of Education (formerly the State Education Commission) in 1989, put the Management Information Systemscourses in 85 countries for planning.
一个国家的管理信息系统的发展水平,标志着这个国家的管理现代化水平和信息化水平。 |
The Ministry of Education confirmed its revised nine-year curriculum to become effective in 2001.
教育部确定两千孔一年开始实施九年一贯制耶新耶课程。 |
The Ministry of Education has decided to leave the decision on styles and colors of student uniforms to individual schools.
教育部已决定由各校自行决定学生制服的式样及颜色。 |
The Ministry of Education has issued a circular on strengthening political thoughtat universities, and the Communist Party's Propaganda Department has increased its monitoring of cyberspace for subversive trends, the report said.
报道同时称,教育部已经给各个大学下发了关于加强“政治思想”的信函,中国中央宣传部也与此同时加强了对网上反动破坏思潮的控制。 |
The Ministry of Education has set rules for official recognition of foreign university degrees.
教育部设有正式承认外国大学学位的规定。 |
The Ministry of Education officially launched a nation-wide evaluation of undergraduate education levels, which enormously promoted the development of universities.
摘要教育部在全国开展本科教学工作水平评估,对高等学校的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。 |
The Ministry of Education says that starting this year, university diplomas must be registered with the national computer system.
来自教育部的消息说,从今年起,高校毕业证书必须在全国电脑管理系统注册。 |
The Ministry of Education was criticized by people like writer/ dictionary author Yniu Chingtiog for not not paying sufficient attention to mother tongue language education, which is not scheduled to begin until the third grade in its newly planned nine-y
教育部新规划耶九年课程到三年级才开始教母语,乎一寡关心母语耶人士像作家/词典作者杨青矗讲安捏真无重视母语。 |
The Ministry of Finance and the SAT issued a Notice (Caishui [2005] No. 39) on 7 March 2005 stating that technology development and technology transfers eligible for a business tax exemption as specified in Caishuizi [1999] No. 273 refer to technology dev
财政部和国家税务总局联合发布财税[2005]39号,规定财税字[1999]273号中免征营业税的技术开发、技术转让业务,是指自然科学领域的技术开发和技术转让业务。 |