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Because the way the dark energy density varies is dependent on the theoretical model, each theory predicts a different time for the transition point when the expansion of the universe switched from slowdown to speedup.

Because the two-state finite automaton was too simple to be of any use in solving complex computational problems, we considered it nothing more than an interesting demonstration of the concept of programmable, autonomous biomolecular computers, and we dec 由于双态有限自动机过于简单,无法解决任何复杂的计算问题,我们只是用它来验证程序化、自动化生物分子计算机观念可行而已。
Because the unbound probes produce no signal, this approach does away with the time-consuming washing steps usually required of such assays. 由于没有与样本结合的抗体探针不会产生讯号,因此这种做法就不需要经过耗时的清洗步骤,那是类似的检测法通常都需要做的。
Because the upper rocks are influenced after the mining lower coal, they glide along the primary bursting surface, and the upper rock layers can form surface-contact fabric by its shear and bulge function. 作者认为,下煤层开采后上覆顶板岩层受到二次扰动,其破坏移动主要是沿原有破裂面滑移,由于剪胀的作用,上覆岩层能够形成面接触的覆岩基本结构特征。
Because the view is breathtaking! 因为这里的风景真的很棒!
Because the volume of domestic petroleum Production in our country can not meet the need of the development of our national economy and society, it is necessary for China to look for more overseas energy resources by more ways, to participate positively t 由于我国石油自给能力无法满足国民经济和社会发展的需求,我国将多方位开辟海外能源渠道,积极参与国际石油资源的开发,进一步积极开展能源外交,在全球能源领域占领战略制高点,保障国际石油运输的安全,以期在日趋激烈的能源争夺战中占主动地位。
Because the way the dark energy density varies is dependent on the theoretical model, each theory predicts a different time for the transition point when the expansion of the universe switched from slowdown to speedup. 因为暗能量密度随时间的改变方式和理论模型有关,因此,在每个理论中,宇宙由减速过渡到加速膨胀的时间点亦不尽相同。
Because the weather was so hot, the pigs were wallowing in the mud trying to cool off. 天气太热了,猪都跑到泥沼里打滚,让自己能凉爽一点。
Because the width of the road is negligible comparing to its length. 因为马路的宽度和他的长度在比较下可以被忽略。
Because the wise traders, when prices broke the low of April 20,SOLD AT NEW LOWS AND they will continue to sell as prices continue to go lower, while the man who WANTS TO BUY LOW and SELL HIGH will BUY all the way down and LOSE. 这是因为聪明的投资者在4月20日价格突破新低的时候,开始卖出货物,并且他们将在价格一路走低的时候卖出货物,而此时那些期望低买高卖的投资者将在一路走跌的情况下买入以至于迷失方向(损失)。
Because the work room of the equipment configure the air-conditioner , and the running state of the equipment is always fine , and to ignore the twostage maintenance work of the equipments. 由于设备工作间配置了空调设施,设备运行状态一直良好,因此忽略了设备的二级维护工作。
Because the working conditions and surroundings are excellent,all conducive to the further development of my abilities. 贵公司的工作条件和环境都那么好,对我未来的技能发展很有好处。

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