Cardboard holder for document, which can fit in the drawer of a filing cabinet.
存文件用的硬纸夹。这些文件夹可恰好放在券宗柜的抽屉内。 |
Cardboard\'s less expensive than leather in the short run.
短期而言硬纸板比皮革便宜。 |
Cardiac Services Ltd - provides diagnostic cardiology and other medical products to customers in the UK, Ireland, and Europe . Specialists in ECG/EKG equipment, ultrasound, ECG event recorders.
为英国、爱尔兰等欧洲国家的客户提供心脏病的诊断设备和其它医疗产品。ECG/EKG设备方面的专家。 |
Cardiac abnormalities, such as arrhythmia and myocardial injuries, were always considered a sequence of syndrome happened in electrical injury patients.
摘要电烧伤可能造成心脏损害包括心律不整或心肌损伤,台北荣总从1994年一月到1996年十二月共收集42位因电烧伤住烧伤中心的病患资料。 |
Cardiac arrest killed more than 300000 people in the united states every year.
每年美国有超过三十万人死于心脏骤停。 |
Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution.
用热稀释法测定心输出量。 |
Cardiac workup was normal and MR angiogram revealed only mild narrowing of the left posterior cerebral artery.
心脏检查正常,磁共振血管造影示左侧大脑后动脉轻度狭窄。 |
Cardiff chairman Peter Ridsdale, who once signed Fowler for Leeds United, has offered the former Liverpool ace a one-year contract.
加的夫城的主席彼得.瑞得斯代尔当年曾经为利兹联签下福勒,如今他又为这名前利物浦王牌提供了一年的合同。 |
Cardinal products, bedding manufacture, marketing, sales of plastic packaging products.
海棉制品,床上用品制造,销售,塑料包装制品销售。 |
Cardinal tetras are similar to Neon tetras in their requirements, but display a brilliant red stripe from eye to tail.
红莲灯和霓红灯在需求上非常相似,但是前者从眼部到尾部有一条明艳的红色条纹。 |
Cardinals from six continents open their first conclave of the new millennium today.
来自六大洲的枢机主教们于今日展开新千禧年第一次的枢机主教选举教宗会议。 |