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Q: Kimi, how frustrated were you behind Fernando?

Q: It's going to get more hectic over the next few days; what's it going to be like for the third drivers tomorrow? 问:在接下来的几天中还会有更多的兴奋。对第三车手来说,明天会怎么样?
Q: Juan Pablo, congratulations to you, a strong drive after your problems in practice yesterday, leading your teammate and Felipe Massa in the Ferrari. 问:胡安-帕布鲁,祝贺你。在昨天练习赛出现问题之后表现强劲,领先了你的队友以及法拉利的菲利普-马萨。
Q: Just tell us about racing here at Silverstone, for you, your home Grand Prix? 问:跟我们讲讲在银石赛道上的比赛,对于你,你的家乡赛?
Q: Just to clarify, you still intend to opt out? 你仍然打算选择成为自由球员吗?
Q: Kimi, a little bit disappointed? 问:基米,有些沮丧,是吗?
Q: Kimi, how frustrated were you behind Fernando? 你跟在阿隆索后面的时候很沮丧吗?
Q: Kimi, you also looked like a pole man for quite a while there. What was qualifying like for you? 排位赛有段时间你看起来能夺得杆位,你感觉自己在排位赛表现如何?
Q: Last weekend was a busy one for you in Holland, tell us about that? 问:上周对身在荷兰的你而言真是一个繁忙的周末,跟我们讲讲吧。
Q: Looking back now the dust is settled how satisfying was last season? 问:尘埃落定之后回过头看上赛季,你有多满意?
Q: Many Laker fans say you're running the team now. Are you consulted on personnel moves or anything like that? 问:很多湖人球迷说现在你在操纵着这支球队你是在商议着一些球员变动或类似的事情吗?
Q: Mark, Bridgestone seem to have had a good test at Barcelona but you were actually playing it down a bit, that it wasn't so good for Williams. 问:马克,普利司通看上去在巴塞罗那完成了一场不错的测试,但你的表现实际上有点差,这对威廉姆斯车队来讲不是太好。

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