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And sometimes we just can't resist the lure of interesting late night television or amusing video games.

And sometimes a tiny staggered came suddenly rocking into the open from under the trees, stopped, stared, as suddenly sat down “flop,” until its small high-stepping mother, like a young hen, and rushed scolding to its rescue. 有时一个刚刚学步的小家伙突然从树下摇摇晃晃地走出来,在空地上停下,睁大眼睛张望着,突然“扑通”一下坐在地上,直到他娇小的母亲高抬着脚步像只小母鸡一样一边责备着一边冲过去把他救起。
And sometimes i look on, at things i can change and things i cannot and i think, that's what makes me feel alive. 有时候,我会旁观那些我能改变与我不能改变的事情,我想那些都让我感觉自己活得好好的。
And sometimes the bank has service charges. 有时候,银行还要收服务费。
And sometimes they threw living women and children who had no connection at all with the Communists into ditches, pits and wells and covered them with earth. 有时,他们还把跟共产党毫无关系的妇女和儿童活活投到水渠、深坑或水井里,然后用土将他们埋掉。
And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they seem painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential strength, will power, or heart. 痛苦,非公正,还有不幸,时时都会都可能来临,但从另一面来看,唯有超越了这些苦难,你才能体会到自己所拥有的坚韧潜力、意志力,以及坚定的信仰。
And sometimes we just can't resist the lure of interesting late night television or amusing video games. 而有时我们熬夜是因为抵抗不了有趣的深夜节目或电玩的诱惑。
And sometimes you need to be able to specify exact inputs or sequences of inputs. 而且有时,你需要能指明准确的输入和输入序列。
And somewhere in the darkness, the gambler he broke even. 在黑暗中的某处,这个赌徒击碎了夜晚.
And somewhere like Sierra Leone, fresh out of war - they think it's ripe for trade and investment. 并且他们认为象塞阿里昂这样刚摆脱战争的国家,适宜贸易和投资。
And somewhere out there in retirement land, another star-crossed former Dodgers pitcher should take some satisfaction in knowing that Kuo might not have done this without his help. 在某个退役球员的落脚处?堙A另一个前道奇大明星投手,应该会为要不是郭得到他的帮助,就没有今天,而感到些许欣慰。
And soon a ruthless battle breaks out for land, raw materials and power! 关于争夺土地、原材料和势力分配的残酷战斗即将爆发!

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