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At one point, banks used to only do lending and checking, now they provide every conceivable financial product and some retailers (TESCO, for example) are offering consumer-banking services.

At one point in Mongkok, a queue of 50,000 aked along Argyle Street, Shanghai Street, Waterloo Road and Portland Street.?? 在旺角,人龙一度长达五万人,绕着亚皆老街、上海街、窝打老道和砵兰街打蛇饼。
At one point in Mongkok, a queue of 50,000 snaked along Argyle Street, Shanghai Street, Waterloo Road and Portland Street.?? 在旺角,人龙一度长达五万人,绕着亚皆老街、上海街、窝打老道和砵兰街打蛇饼。
At one point the door to the room on the right opened and the spirits rushed in. We wiped at this point, our PUG was weak. 有一点,房间右边的门打开后所有的灵魂冲了进去.我们扑在这里,我们的PUG太弱了.
At one point, Disney workers had to send for more towels to clean the floor. 有时候,迪斯尼的工作人员不得不用更多的毛巾来擦地板。
At one point, all of Santiago's money is stolen, and he is forced to take a job as a Muslim shopkeeper's assistant. 一次圣地亚哥所有的钱都被偷了,他不得不在一个穆斯林开的店里帮忙。
At one point, banks used to only do lending and checking, now they provide every conceivable financial product and some retailers (TESCO, for example) are offering consumer-banking services. 就拿银行业来讲,银行以往只做信贷和核实的工作,现在它们提供每一个可以想象的金融产品,甚至一些零售商TESCO也在提供消费者信贷服务。
At one point, this friend decided to follow the principle of being loyal to those not present. 然而这个朋友决定采取忠实于不在说话现场的家庭成员的原则。
At one point, though, instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity and many brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth). 开始进入快速发展阶段,在速溶咖啡被接受以后,成长速度很快,并出现许多品牌。
At one point, though, instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity, and many brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth). 在某一个时期,虽然速溶咖啡开始迅速变得流行,并且一些牌子的产品被推广起来(快速成长期)。
At one site, waves rippled outward at 450 meters per second. 在一处撞击地点,波动以每秒450公尺的速度向外传播。
At one stage he was attacked from behind by team mate Ralf Schumacher, who damaged his front wing on Trulli's rear tyres. 在某个阶段,他还被队友拉尔夫-舒马赫从后面撞了一下,后者由于碰到特鲁利赛车的后轮,所以损坏了前定风翼。

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