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A new study finds there are more venomous fish than snakes. Here are a few of them, photographed by William Leo Smith of the American Museum of Natural History.

A new student is kept on probation for one semester. 新学生规定要见习一学期。
A new study by this research team suggests that the global greenhouse effect has produced a destructive impact on the biological environment. 应用:这个科研小组进行的一项新研究表明全球温室效应已对生物环境产生了破坏性的影响。
A new study collected data that shows that people who snore are more likely to gain weight than are people who do not snore. 一项新的调查所收集的数据显示打呼噜的人比不打呼噜的人更容易长胖。
A new study examines the naming of American public schools. 一项新研究调查了美国公立中小学的命名情况。
A new study examines the naming of the American public schools. 一项新的测试对美国公立学校的命名进行了研究。
A new study finds there are more venomous fish than snakes. Here are a few of them, photographed by William Leo Smith of the American Museum of Natural History. 一项新研究结果显示,世界上有毒的鱼类甚至比毒蛇还要多。下面就为您展示其中的一些,照片是由美国自然历史博物馆的研究员威廉·利奥·史密斯拍摄的。
A new study from the U.S. looks at labour-management cooperation, drawing together successful examples from over 30 years of experience and showing what can be achieved when unions and management work together to improve public services. 美国一项检视劳工和管理层合作的新研究,由超过30年经验的成功例子,刻划及展示当工会与管理层一起工作以改善公共服务时可达致的成功。
A new study has found that a new diabetic drug helped improe blood sugar control and also promoted weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes. 一项新的研究表明,一种新的糖尿病治疗药物有助于改善2型糖尿病患者血糖的控制,并可以促进体重的减轻。
A new study has found that counseling by telephone could be effective in curbing excessive drinking. 一个新的研究已经发现在电话中商议在边石过度的喝酒中可能是有效的。
A new study has found that lazy Saturday and Sunday lie-ins can disturb your body clock, leaving you fatigued at the start of the week. 一份新研究发现,周六周日贪睡可能打乱身体的生物钟,让你在一周之初倦怠无力。
A new study has revealed that people who arrange a first date by text are more likely not to take the event seriously, with six out of ten casual daters using text messaging. 英国最新的一项调查显示,用手机短信约意中人的人很可能不拿约会当回事儿,因为60%寻欢作乐的人喜欢用手机短信向他人邀约。

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