Workers went into three shifts.
工人开始实行三班制。 |
Workers who comply with Article 1 (4), and who need assistance by other people in their daily life are paid a cash pension equivalent to 90 per cent of their standard wage, and in accordance with their real situation they may be paid a certain amount of n
(二)符合第一条(四)项条件,饮食起居需要人扶助的,按本人标准工资的百分之九十发给,还可以根据实际情况发给一定数额的护理费,护理费标准,一般不得超过一个普通工人的工资;饮食起居不需要人扶助的,按本人标准工次的百分之八十发给。 |
Workers who lose pro-motions to colleagues who are sleeping with the boss can sue their employers for sexual harassment, the California Supreme Court ruled on Monday.
美国加利福尼亚州最高法院周一裁定,如果员工在晋升方面输给与老板睡觉的同事,那么这些员工可以性骚扰罪名起诉其雇主。 |
Workers with personal problems are free at any time to make an appointment with the personnel officer.
有个人问题的工作人员随时都可以和人事干部约定时间。 |
Workers' Compensation laws are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with monetary awards, eliminating the need for people to go to court to fight for justice.
工伤补偿法立足于保证因工受伤或者致残的雇员得到金钱方面的赔偿,排除人们上法庭去讨公道的必要。 |
Workers, old and young, are going all out.
译:工人,不管年老的或者年轻的,都在鼓足干劲。 |
Workforce shortages, and interest rate, oil price, and currency fluctuations can also impact your bottom line.
劳动力短缺、以及利率、油价和汇率的波动也将给你的最低承受力带来冲击。 |
Workig this way doesn't accord with our policy.
这种做法不符合我们的政策。 |
Working Capital (Circulating Assets) : refers to assets which can be cashed in or spent or consumed in an operating cycle of one year or overone year, which includes cash, various deposits, short term investment, and receivable payments,and advance paymen
流动资产:流动资产是指可以在一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期内变现或者耗用的资产,包括现金及各种存款、短期投资、应收及预付货款、存货等。 |
Working Experience: Prefer internship with Pre-school student or some teaching experience.
工作经历:具有学前教育实习及其它教学经验者为佳。 |
Working Group on Deposit Insurance Financial Stability Forum(WGDI/FSF). Guidance on Deposit Insurance. Draft Final Report. July 2001.
刘士余、李培育《关于建立中国存款保险制度若干问题的研究》,《金融研究》,11,1999. |