Their advanced electric control panel can assure the whole process discharge smoothly, running reliable, operation easily and high efficiency in power consumption.
本公司本着“一切满足用户的需求”为经营宗旨,提供设计安装和调试的“一条龙”交钥匙工程服务。 |
Their adventures would be punctured by the hilarious and cowardly antics of Shaggy and Scooby, who invariably ended up in ridiculous scrapes after splitting off from the rest of the group.
他们的冒险经历不免被夏奇和史酷比活泼有趣或胆小如鼠的滑稽动作抢走了风头,这两个“活宝”总是在和队里的其他人分开后陷入荒谬的困境。 |
Their affection is their strength in danger and their comforter in sorrow.
他们之间的爱在危险时是力量,在忧伤时是安慰。 |
Their afternoons together passed quietly into days, weeks, and months.
她们的这些个下午就这样静静地度过了,一天天,一周周,一月月。 |
Their age and experience entitle old people to the respect of young people.
年龄和经验使老年人有权享受年轻人的尊敬。 |
Their ages range from 25 to 50.
他们的年龄在25岁到50岁之间. |
Their agreement to buy our house was conditional on us leaving all the furniture in it.
他们同意买房子,条件是我们要把家具都留下来。 |
Their agreement would dramatically impact the shape of the global economy.
他们的协定将大大影响世界经济格局。 |
Their aim has always been to give people a knowledge about the Asturian Celtic folk music in different ways: from a more traditional perspective, to a folk and even folk-rock point of view.The group always shows its Celtic spirit by offering music from th
这个组合演奏的多是来自于8个主要的官方拟定的凯尔特民族所在国[包括爱尔兰,苏格兰,马恩岛(英国西北海岸的爱尔兰海域,英国属地,面积221平方英里,首都道格拉斯,人口6.5W),威尔士,康沃尔(英格兰某郡),布列塔尼半岛(法国西北一地区),阿斯图里亚斯地区,加里西亚省(西班牙西北部)]的音乐,借此展现凯尔特精神。 |
Their aim is to create an orderly, just and civilized society.
(他们的目标是建立一个有序,公正而文明的社会。) |
Their aim is to regenerate British industry.
他们的目的是复兴英国的工业. |