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Based on these results, Hirudoid ointment is considered to be a useful drug for the treatment of senile xerosis.

Based on these features and varieties, it explores the possibility to obtain patent for fundament research achievement and analyses the effects form this obtainment. 根据这些特点与变化,探讨了基础研究成果获取专利的现实性和可能性,并对基础研究成果获取专利带来的效应作出分析。
Based on these findings in greenhouse, eleven treatments are recommended in Table 2. 根据温室试验结果,表2中推荐了11个处理。
Based on these findings, the study not only gives some suggestions for adventure or program managers, but also supports research orientation for future researchers. 根据分析结果,本研究不仅对泛舟业者提出相关的建议,亦对未来研究者提出后续研究之参考方向。
Based on these instruments and voices, sampler analogue synthesizer was used, and each of the phrase lines was woven into the whole, creating a tapestry of illusion. 基于这些原创的作品,加上电子合成器的加工,交织着各种各样的唱词,于是《幻》应运而生。
Based on these numbers, China is the blogging capital of the world. 根据数据调查,中国现在是世界博客的中心.
Based on these results, Hirudoid ointment is considered to be a useful drug for the treatment of senile xerosis. 基于这些研究,喜疗妥软膏被认为是治疗老年性干燥症的有效药物。
Based on these results,several advices would put forward to making a strategic planning of this hospital. 同时在此基础上对医院战略方案的制定提出建议。
Based on these rules, load demand is divided into several blocks with continuous segments and the auction is performed for each block, power suppliers can directly determine unit operation and make bidding decisions, which avoids the difficulty of bidding 基于这些规则,电力市场对持续的负荷进行拍卖竞价,发电商直接确定机组的运行方式,核算生産成本和制定投标决策,解决了分时竞价中发电商逐时段竞价与确定机组运行方式的决策困难。
Based on these theories he analyzed the alienated living circumstances of the Occidental and the approach of liberation. 弗洛姆还运用这些理论分析了当代西方人的异化生存境遇和解放的可能途径。
Based on these thoughts and reasons, we may gain some enlightenment on five aspects. 从这些思想和这些原因,可以得出至少五点启示。
Based on these, The enrichment mode of the geochemical elements and their distribution in space are discussed and the anomaly lower limit can be obtained and then the geochemical backgrounds、regional anomalies and local anomalies are distinguished. 在此基础上,分析了元素的成矿富集规律和空间分布特征,确定了区域异常和局部异常的异常下限,划分了地球化学背景、区域异常和局部异常。

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