Usually only a small amount of rudder is needed, especially if a large amount of differential(more up aileron motion than down motion) is present. |
中文意思: 通常只需要少量的方向舵,尤其是出现大量差速时(上副翼动作多于下副翼动作). |
Usually no further intervention is required.
通常,不需更进一步的介入。 |
Usually nobody cares about this field—at any macroscopic distance from the chip surface, the field is immeasurably small.
通常没人在乎这些磁场——只要离开晶片表面较远的距离,磁场就会小到难以测量。 |
Usually not intend to distinguish the actuality from opinion district.
报纸时常不打算把事实与意见区分开。 |
Usually of little clicinal significance, it can produce a variety of disorders such as malabsorption, hemorrhage, diveticulitis, and obstruction.the rares complications appears to be enterolith formations and obstruction.
十二指肠憩室病造成肠阻塞时,其机转可能是肠黏连,扭结,套叠或蠕动不良,另一极少见的原因则是肠石形成而造成肠阻塞。 |
Usually one egg matures at a time, and that's why if sperm is present during ovulation, a woman only gets pregnant with one baby.
通常一次只有一个卵子成熟,所以在排卵期中如果有精子与卵子结合,女性怀孕后通常都只会生一个孩子。 |
Usually only a small amount of rudder is needed, especially if a large amount of differential(more up aileron motion than down motion) is present.
通常只需要少量的方向舵,尤其是出现大量差速时(上副翼动作多于下副翼动作). |
Usually only one of these, the dominant allele, is expressed in the phenotype.
通常只有其中的一个显性等位基因在表型中表达。 |
Usually parking lots charge by hours.
通常停车点是以小时计价的。 |
Usually people start small talk by asking about things like family, work, school or sports.
通常人们以提问的方式开始闲聊,询问诸如家庭啦,工作啦,学校啦,体育运动啦,等等。 |
Usually poor people live in slum district.
通常来说,穷人住在贫民区。 |
Usually refers to a cash market price for a physical commodity that is available for immediate delivery.
通常指一个可以立即进行交易的货物的市场价格。 |