DE: Have you come across any truly talented, up-and-coming designers whom we should keep an eye on?
你觉得有那位设计师特别值得我们留意吗? |
DE: What can't you live without?
你的生活不能缺乏的什么? |
DE: What is mean creativity to you?
对你来说什么是创意? |
DE: What is your life purpose?
你的人生目标是。。。 |
DE: What is your viewpoint on relationship?
你对于感情的观点有何看法? |
DE: Who has been most influential in your progress as a Designer/Artist?
在你心目中谁是影响你最深的人? |
DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of lock in distributed env.
用于配置多实例的分布式事物,指定在远程服务器上获取资源时等待的秒数。 |
DEALER DAN: Hi, this is Dealer Dan.
“商人丹”:“你好,我是‘商人丹’。 |
DEATH to the foul warriors of Chaos!
污秽邪恶的混沌,死! |
DEBO Compact Grade Laminate is a high performance material.It's a high pressure laminate manufactured with a solid laminated core build up from multiple layers with a decorative surface on bothsides.
德宝康贝特板是一种高性能的材料,它是一种由多层被酚醛树脂浸渍过的上等牛皮纸和经三聚氰氨处理过的装饰色纸,在高温高压下制造而成的实心高压板。 |
DECOCTION: Place one ounce of herb in one pint of water.
煎煮(decoction):把一盎司药草加入一品脱水中。 |